21-10-2014 01:03 PM
Following the recent ios 8.1 upgrade the toggle to disable 3g/ enable 2g or edge should be visable, but it is not.
I had this option on my iphone 5 using the same vodafone simcard so maybe its not a vodafone issue but an apple issue.
I spoke with Apple and they are saying to speak to my carrier.
Any help please?
Its really useful to disable 3G when in a poor network coverage area.
02-12-2014 10:11 PM
02-12-2014 10:52 PM
03-12-2014 07:23 AM
@63johnw wrote:
Hi. Apple seem to ne saying if your network has 4G then the option is removed (Apples choice)
That is incorrect.
I is the networks choice. Apple provide the codes to the networks to enable 2G as well as 4G if they so wish.
I have a 5s using a DTAC (Thailand) sim card and runningios 8.1. I have toggle for 2G / 3G and a toggle for 4G.
It is down to the networks as to what they allow their customers to use.
03-12-2014 07:50 AM
In that case we wil agree to disagree :smileyfrustrated:
As I said my 5s on ios8.1 on DTAC network has 2G, 3G and 4G and according to a collegue in Thailand at the moment his AIS (Thai sim) also has the three options using a 5s.
I will test it for myself next week as I will be in Thailand.
03-12-2014 08:06 AM
Who told you this?
The file that needs to edited to get the toggles back is in the carrier bundle settings which the carrier has control over. So its clear its a Vodafone/ Network issue.
03-12-2014 08:29 AM
Apart from posts on the official Apple forums confirming it is a carrier update and not an ios update that is needed to enable the 2G option there is also:
03-12-2014 09:30 AM