29-11-2015 02:44 PM
An iPhone 6S Plus was delivered to me by mistake after I cancelled the order. I have made contact with Vodafone asking to return this phone for about a month now, yet still no returns bag. The problem is they are charging me for the line, which I did not ask for. The last thing that happened when I called to get this returned and cancelled was that they cut off my wifes number by mistake. This was after I received an email thanking me for returning the phone, which I hadn't even received the bag to do so yet. It took me nearly 4 weeks to get my wifes number reconnected and now I'm scared stiff of contact Vodafone again about this in case the same thing happens again.
A little help pleae Vodafone Task Force people.
29-11-2015 02:50 PM
The Returns bag is free post but a person can decide to return an item themselves although this avenue is not free post.
I'd recommend Special Delivery.
Advise Customer service you are sending it back yourself so they are expecting it and include a full detailed Cover Note with your account information and why your returning it.
Once it's been signed for you could then follow up with a call to confirm they have receipt at the Returns Department.
Take Time / Date stamped pictures of the device to show the condition you sent it back in or if the box is still sealed take a picture of the box.
This avenue is of course just a suggestion and you can allot to keep on trying to get Customer service via Live Chat or telephone to send a Returns bag.
Vodafone Returns
Unit 12
Hamilton Way
Bermuda Park
CV10 7RL
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
29-11-2015 04:03 PM
29-11-2015 04:06 PM
29-11-2015 04:21 PM
@ashriggs wrote:
Good idea. Thank you so much. Can I just ask a related question. The phone came with a sim. Should I return the sim with the phone?
You're Welcome.
Yes send the SIM card back too.
Their is nothing unsound about sending the phone back via the route I highlighted as long as you fully brief Customer service via 191 of your intention again as I intimated. Detailing while mobile number this relates to.
This is also why I suggest also phoning up Vodafone once the phone has been signed for.
This method is endorsed by the Vodafone Tech people who are employed by Vodafone who have discussed this in previous threads.
The only main difference between the two methods is one is Pre Paid by Vodafone and the other is postage paid by you.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
29-11-2015 04:05 PM
I think that going down the path of returning the phone yourself is not good advice and may well result in the line being terminated as happened before.
You need to persevere with either 191 or Live Chat, (Live Chat is best as you can get a copy of the chat transcript) and make it clear that you are returning the phone and cancelling only the line that is associated with the order for that device. Get that agreed in a chat and you have proof of what was said should there be a dispute in the future.