15-11-2016 03:15 PM
I guess I am not the only one who is still using their Note7? I know it may at any second detonate with a force equal to 3 Hiroshimas, but what the heck.
But right now, there's a number of things putting me off returning it, not least the fact that no alternative exists that I would actually like to buy. So I am in no rush. Are there any deadlines after which it might get more difficult? (I know I am protected under UK Consumer Rights laws anyway).
Also, I've heard rumours of possible IMEI blocks being put in place. Is there any truth in that rumour, here in the UK?
15-11-2016 04:46 PM
Not heard of imei blocks.
I think the deadline is really a return asap scenario.
Has yours had the software update to stop it being charged to 100% ?
What about the Samsung Galaxy s7 or s7 edge?
I use the s7 edge and it's an awesome device.
Rumours of the s8 is rife.
My advice is to return it asap for the reasons your well aware of.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
15-11-2016 10:53 PM
I've managed to block the battery vandalism, thankfully.
And regards the "risk", how many phones have caught fire in the UK again? Is it none, or one, I am not sure. Anyway, I can live with that risk. It's not like it's a nuclear bomb, is it. It is my sincere view that if the 2nd gen Note7 had been sold originally, the phone would never have been withdrawn.
The recall is voluntary, but since Samsung have declared the device defective, and have sought to downgrade the battery capacity, and have replaced the device already, then I am entitled to a replacement (with a new and fully working Note7) or a full refund. I'd like to keep it as long as I reasonably can however, without having to have a huge argument when I choose to return it.
16-11-2016 06:17 AM
In the end you are making an informed decision to keep using the handset ,and to not allow the software update to stop the battery being charged to full capacity.
It's my understanding that the 2nd version of the Samsung Note 7 had showed the same documented issue.
I agree it's not a "nuclear bomb" but it could pose a risk.
As the Note 7 has been 100% discontinued then sadly no one will be supplied a Note 7. Hopefully the 8 will be a good handset next year.
No argument from me just an interesting discussion on the subject and your current situation.
You've probably seen this but I add it just incase you haven't.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
16-11-2016 08:26 AM - edited 16-11-2016 08:46 AM
Thanks again. I will be returning it, the question is simply when. I'd like to hang on to it for as long as possible without getting into an argument over a refund.
That said, the Consumer RIghts act is very clear that goods must be of "satistactory quality", "as described" and "fit for purpose". It also requires that after a failed repair or replacement (which we have now had) the consumer is entitled within 6 months to a FULL refund, and no deductions are allowed.
It's pretty obvious the product fails on point 1 above, and at the moment, point 2 is iffy (since the latest Samsung update effectively renders the battery less than 3,500 mAH). Should any IMEI blocking occur, then it would fail "fit for purpose" as well.
So there already can be no doubt that CPW/Vodafone are liable under Consumer RIghts legislation. I'd just rather not have to argue about it in a few weeks time!
BTW the S7 Edge catches fire sometimes too 🙂 That's the phone I would go for if I had to right now, but it has half the memory, no iris scanner, no pen, a smaller screen and probably some other things I can't remember. Last time I looked the S7 Edge on the same contract I have was £42 / month, vs the £42 / month I am already paying. It's not exactly a "fair swap", is it! What about the huge inconvenience people have suffered? I hear in Korea, Samsung is offering free S8 upgrade to people swapping now to S7 Edge. If that was offered, I'd take it.
Here in the UK, nothing.
16-11-2016 11:39 PM
Yep I agree.
I'm looking for an s7 edge as a loan until the s8 or note 8 comes along and then a free upgrade to whichever I choose.
Vodafone could then have the note7 back and could keep my business and contract and even the deposit I paid.
This is something Vodafone could offer us if they wanted to but they have no regard for customers even after the massive fine they have just received.