14-10-2016 05:27 PM
I have joined the 25gb red bundle with the option of having now tv entertainment, Spotify or sky sports mobile.
I followed the link to set one up but the page after putting phone number and code in only shows sky and Spotify. I spoke to someone on the chat service and they said I needed to delete my nowtv app wait 2 hours and it should appear on the page to join, but that hasn't happened.
I have a now tv account but with no subscriptions, I only buy a few sports passes every known and then and I've deleted my phone as a device. I don't know how vodaphone can tell if I've got an account as that's used by email and password and not phone number.
Anyway does anyone know how I can get my now tv setup?
14-10-2016 06:12 PM
From what you have written, you have your Now TV set up on your account.
You are able to register on up to 4 devices and watch on 2 at the same time.
You don't mention the phone you are using, when you have downloaded the application, you will need to enter your Now TV password to use the service. If you are using Android the application is on the link below.
There is further information for you on the links below.
14-10-2016 08:54 PM
16-10-2016 10:37 AM
Hi @Rickfordcompton,
If you’re an existing NOW TV customer with an active NOW TV Entertainment Pass, you won’t be able to apply the service or access it as part of your plan until you cancel your existing pass and it has expired.
I realise that you don't have a current subscription with NOW TV, but as you have an active account with them this will be causing issues setting up the free Entertainment Pass. You'd need to delete your current account with them, and then re-register through the steps outlined here.