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Outlook Issues With Vodafone Mobile 3g Vrs Wi-fi

1: Seeker
Outlook issues with Vodafone mobile 3G

The VF 3g dongle works very well when in 3g location or 3g+ forget the green light 56k speed!

I use Outlook 2003 on a notebook with either a VF 3G dongle and Wi-Fi very successfully sending and receiving emails via my service provider BT business platform using the same settings BT pop3 SMTP settings.

However on another newer laptop but using Outlook 2007 with the same set up to send email using VF I need to go into Outlook settings and check or uncheck smtp authentication this then seems to prevent WI-FI sending emails without changing outlook settings back. Is this a known issue with my Outlook 2007 & VF & Wi-Fi and or my provider I suppose I could set up a separate account in outlook to use with the different settings required for Wi-Fi and VF connections?

What should the settings be for VF in Outlook 2007?


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi RPB1,

Shame to hear you're suffering this odd issue :huh:

The problem does appear to be linked with your Outlook 2007 - technically, the details do not need to change, so it would have to be some sort of conflict. If your computer is not sending properly, then you'll need to change the outgoing server to (unauthenticated) to ensure the emails travel properly.

Other than this, as we're not Microsoft accredited technicians, we can't provide official support for Outlook. :(

Perhaps one of the community could advise on this specific problem?


eForum Team

Not applicable
The problem does appear to be linked with your Outlook 2007 - technically, the details do not need to change, so it would have to be some sort of conflict. If your computer is not sending properly, then you'll need to change the outgoing server to (unauthenticated) to ensure the emails travel properly.

It's not an odd issue, it's the result of you blocking outgoing SMTP. Frankly this is not acceptable a lot of the time. Using your SMTP servers is not an option for those of us who have domains with SPF records setup and cannot change them (so sending through any other SMTP server will get rejected as spam by receiving systems which check SPF - like, ohhh, gmail, hotmail, AOL, Yahoo - tiny mail servers like that), or for companies that have policies in place that require SMTP to go through their own servers for compliance and logging.

RPB it seems BT also allow SMTP on a non-standard port - 587. So what I would try is using that. Choose the account settings menu item from the tools menu. Select the BT email account and choose change. Click the more settings button and then select the advanced tool. In the box next to Outgoing Server (SMTP) enter 587. Click OK and then choose Test Account Settings and see if that works.