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Payg Mobile Broadband Dongle - Remote Viewing

2: Seeker
2: Seeker
Hello, I wonder if anyone can help with this please?

I have a shop in which the CCTV runs on a PC running Windows XP which has internet access via a Vodafone Pay as You go mobile broadband dongle. The PC (and CCTV application) run 24/7 ie are never switched off.

I would like to be able to "see" the CCTV screen from my laptop when away from the shop - the laptop runs Vista and has internet access by a Vodafone pay monthly mobile broadband dongle.

What's the easiest way for me to do this please? (keep it simple please!)

I assume it's ok to have the internet connection on the PC "on" all the time?

Your help with this would be very much appreciated, I've tried googling for a solution but just got more and more confused!

Many thanks


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi Jixipix,

What you're looking for is generally called "Remote Access". A quick google will turn up several different solutions that may be of use to you. I've personally used in the past, and found it very useful. All you need to do is install a program onto the CCTV PC, and then you can view the screen of this computer right inside the browser of any other computer with an internet connection.

This is outside of our general scope of support, so if you encounter any issues with this, we'd be unable to help - but I trust the information I've given is of some use :)

I trust this helps, and if you have a spare moment, please take some time to fill in a short survey about your forum experience today.


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