I bought the pay as you go dongle in june just for use when I go on holiday.
The first time I went away I could not get it to work at all on my Linux eee pc so I just put it down to the eee pc software.
I then went to Scotland where it kept disconnecting and I just thought it was the old laptop not having USB 2.0 and the non-3G network.
I have been away for a weekend and I took away a brand new XP laptop.
And the dongle was totally useless.
The first night it worked fine using the mobile connect software. I had 3 bars of 3G.
The following morning it would not connect and kept telling me that some other software was using it. (I had all my anti-virus off and firewalls off its also a new PC with very little software on it).
I finally managed to get it to connect by using start -> connect to -> vodafone mobile connect.
Once I did that I had 2-10 minutes before it would just randomly disconnect and I would have to reconnect again.
On Sunday it did the same I only had 2-10 minutes before it would disconnect. But this time when it disconnected it would do the XP device disconnected sound, then a second later the XP device reconnect sound and the vodafone software would load up and just say searching for network forever.
After a reboot I tried to connect using the “connect to” option and it just gave me lots of error messages.
Here they are below
I have tried: turning the computer on with the dongle connected, using the connect to option, disabling my anti-virus and firewall and reinstalling the software nothing stops it disconnecting after 2-10 minutes.
Can you give me a new working dongle or get the current one fixed?