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Prepay acting like my allowance has run out - but it hasn't (not that I know of)

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

As of yesterday, I started getting redirects to the topup page whenever I tried to load any web page other than Google, when using Vodafone Mobile Broadband.


This of course is what happens when you have used up your PAYG allowance or it has expired.


However, I topped up with £15 on 10/5 which should be good for 1 month/2gigs and there's no way that I have exceeded 2gig since then (verified by the network traffic monitor in my Kaspersky Internet Security package).


Anyone know what might be going on?


An update on progress so far:

I received a reference No from the  Tech Team but could not reply via e-mail and while trying got a prompt to "chat" with the Vodaphone Support team. Some very hepful people , I think they were based East of Southend!, looked into why I could not get any usage data or a balance to my Pay as You Go account using My Account.

Result? Not quite but I now understand that during the first month of Pay as You Go neither I nor Vodaphone have any idea of usage as it appears not to be collected ,or at least displayed ,until the end of the first month.

Helpful? Partly, but only inasmuch as I needn't keep logging in only to get the same message. The problem is that after a week away from home and  reasonably busy usage I cannot tell if I have used 5Mb or 245Mb out of my month's 250Mb allowance. You would think at least the Vodaphone support people would have access to that data but apparently not. I only hope that at the end of the first month I will actually get the data and it won't just roll over into another month.......we'll see!
