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Refurbished Iphones

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

OK so I am now approaching the end of my current contract and thought I would look at an upgrade.


I noted that Vodafone "generously" offer me the same deals as they give to their new customers (what price loyalty) and that an Iphone 6S starts from £47 a month


So having looked across the web my options are O2 with a refurbished Iphone 6S, £50 upfront and £19 a month.   Or EE with new Iphone 6S for £27.99 a month, both the same packages


Would a refurbished phone from O2 be OK and how long does it take to get a PAC code?


Thank you


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion




Near to your contract end date call customer service and ask for the Retentions Department to see if they can offer you a deal to stay. 


You can obtain a Pac Code whenever you want from Vodafone and is live for 30 days so make sure you give it to the new network within that timeframe. 


Use it close to your contract end date. 






Please consider not cancelling the Direct Debit until Vodafone have taken any final payment(s). And you have received the final bill by post, paid by Direct Debit and a £0 bill and Sorry Your Leaving Letter has been received that confirms the account is closed. (Please retain this paperwork)


Refurbished handsets have been fully tested and wiped of data and free of scuffs and scratches if Grade A Refurbs or if Grade B Refurbs they can have some scratches or scuffs.


Some are returned handsets within the cooling off period. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Hi @tomattoe


With Vodafone all customers are treated equally, that means upgrading customers pay the same price as new customers.  A company should not be expected to give a loyalty bonus to a customer just because there are upgrading. 


If you would like to negotiate a new contract with Vodafone, give upgrades a call and ask them what they can do for you, you could be pleasantly surprised.  If you want a PAC code, you can request this at the same time.


As for the O2 question, that is something you need to ask O2.

LOL - I was just after unbiased advised - fat chance of getting an honest advice out of a salesperson regarding phone quality 🙂


Totally agree that all customers should be treated equally, just amused that Vodafone announce it as if it is some sort of privilege!


More than happy to move on, and totally understand that its a 2 way agreement and neither has any obligation to the other party.


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I hope I gave that type of advice :Winking_smiley:


Please take into consideration that not every Network provides the same signal strengths and Data Speeds everywhere, and in the same area. I assume to this point Vodafone have overall supplied a useable Service. Moving Networks may affect this this.





Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Community Champion (Retired)
Community Champion (Retired)

@tomattoe  A relative of mine went for the offer of a refurbished iPhone 6s from O2 and is more than happy with the phone.

It came with a 30 day satisfaction return guarantee and is a nice phone, there were in fact no signs of it ever having been used.

everything worked as you would expect and Apple product to do. 


If you find that O2 does not give you the coverage you need you can have the phone unlocked for around £15. Having said that people I know who use O2 don't have any problems so it seems on par with Vodafone's network but of course they will always be differences in coverage between networks depending on location.



16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Refurbished phones are usually New purchases that have been returned within 30 day.


They usually come with warranty and you can easily take it to the Apple store to be looked at.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion



From my understanding the Refurbished iPhones sent back within o2's 14 Day Cooling Off Period, and have a 12 Month Warranty. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Community Champion (Retired)
Community Champion (Retired)

ALL O2 refurbished phones carry a 12month warranty.



17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Why are we posting links and support for O2?