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Ridiculous Packet Loss

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Hi, I dont know why my post was deleted but here is is.
So I am currently within the 10 day "settling in" period, however I am getting a worrying amount of packet loss that hasnt improved since day 1. I have 2 days to go until the 10 days is up but I am not going to lie, its not looking great.
I was assured that there is no throttling or traffic management however my speeds drop from 20-30mbps (Promised 48mbps) to less than 2mbps (usually below 1mbps) during peak times. My packet loss usually seems to stay between 10-20% during these times. I also tested Jitter and during peak times its an absolutely stupid 200+ms.

So I guess that means Vodafone actually do throttle my connection?
Also I keep getting told that it can take upto 30 days to "settle in", so basically your fallback for bad internet is -"Give it until your cooling off period has run out and then its tough you are stuck with us anyway"????
I just moved from Virgin media after they conned me into a new contract and somehow "lost" the phonecall that would have proven it. I will not get stuck with another terrible provider who lies and tricks their way into a new customer.
I use NowTV for my television (Steaming everything) and I am an avid online gamer so my internet needs to be as smooth as can be, throttling and traffic management is a big no no for me. So I need a definitive answer, will my internet be throttled during peak times? And will I still get my promised speeds during throttling?

I began a BQM yesterday and shall be watching it closely over the next 2 days, you can see the dropped packets in red along the top of the graph. (see below)
If I get any whiff of BS I think I will just jump ship. 


My Broadband Ping - Vodafone


2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Oh I also just wanted to say, please dont tell me to contact Live Chat, they are useless! I was on a live chat the other day for over an hour because the idiot on the other end did not understand what I was asking. I saved all transcripts of these chats too.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Snapshot graph of an average days broadband for me. upto 25% packet loss during peak times. I mean ##~##!!! I have never had such high numbers with any other provider!


My Broadband Ping - Vodafone

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@DJRenegade Thanks for your detailed messages. It's clear to see that there's an issue with your home broadband service. 

So we're able to look into this further for you and raise this with our specialist team, please contact us directly using the link in the private message I've sent. 

Hi @Alex,
I had an Openreach Engineer come round today and he found a problem in my line, luckily there was a good pair of wires in the cable and so far it seems to have solved my issue.
I will come back to this thread in 24 hours (so I can get a full look at my graph) if I find otherwise, the biggest test will be around peak times.

Updated live graph:




My Broadband Ping - Vodafone 3

Now on day ten of upgrading to fibre 76mb. Disappointed that I have only managed to get 62mb once and that was last Saturday. I have been running daily speed tests and mostly getting around early 40mbs. Up to what day can I cancel if I don't get the speeds expected?

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@DJRenegade Thanks for keeping us updated, that looks a lot better ðŸ™‚


@craigr98 When you're completing these speed tests, is this via Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi? 

Via WiFi using your supplied router.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@craigr98 We're unable to guarantee your minimum guarenteed speed over a Wi-Fi connection. 

To find your sync speed, simply log into your router menu by going to vodafone.connect or and then enter the password - vodafone ðŸ™‚

This information will then be available on the 'Overview' page. 

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I have very similar issues. Hugely disappointed with peak time performance.