27-04-2015 11:21 AM
Has anybody else been experiencing issues with the device from the lollipop update? Mine are Messages, Contacts and Car Mode all crashing without warning. I have never even used Car Mode.
I have friends and family with the same device on different networks ( EE, o2, Orange) who have all received an update to fix the issues. I tried asking the Vodafone team via Twitter about when an update would be available and instead of giving any real information, i was sent a link to FAQ's about software updates which essentially said "just wait and see". Ive was also instore 2 months ago and was told that I would have to wait for an update which seems like it will never come.
This is my first contract with Vodafone and it will definitely be my last.
29-04-2015 01:17 PM
The FAQ's are the only information we have available for software.
Whenever an update has been done on Android, a restart of the phone is required to complete the process. This also clears most errors.
If you're still having issues, we'll be happy to take a look in our repair centre.
29-04-2015 03:03 PM