19-06-2012 04:32 PM
My SGS2 sest off my car alarm.....
I know this is almost certainly not a Vodafone problem but I was wondering if anyone else has found this?
Recently changed my car to a Mazda 6 (2006) and found that if I leave my phone in the car, locked, after a few minutes (between 1 and 10) the alarm will go off. Car Alarm has never gone off without the phone in it. Must have done it 10 times or more now. It's done it in the UK, France, Belgium - best one being in a quiet campsite in the middle of the night - reading in the car before bed, then wandered off to the Loo and forgot about the phone........a few minutes later lights and horns going off....of course everyone was woken up!
Have taken this up with Samsung, and will approach Mazda too. The Car and the phone should not interfere - EU Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations should prevent this.
Anyway, anyone with a similar problem?
01-03-2013 03:28 PM
13-03-2013 11:29 AM
I never got to the bottom of this, I just make sure I dont leave the phone in the car.
I will try it over the next day or two as just been upgraded to 4.1.2 - who knows, that may make a difference!
13-03-2013 12:49 PM
21-02-2014 07:04 PM
my wifes sgs4 also sets off my mazda 6 ts2 55 plate's alarm, was just wondering if anyone found a solution or a cause yet?
24-02-2014 11:47 AM
I'd go through all the steps above - turn off wifi, bluetooth, etc. I'd rather suspect one of those as otherwise the mobile network would be triggering alarms all the time.
02-03-2014 10:39 PM
Its definately any WIFI. I tried Laptops, different phones and a tablet. All do set the alarm off when WIFI is on and won't when WIFI is off, so the solution is ..... turn WIFI or phone/tablet off when left in car. Haven't tried Bluetooth on its own yet i.e WIFI off and Bluetooth on.
20-06-2012 12:20 PM
Again unrelated, but I had a Renault Megane whose alarm went off seemingly at random - never did discover the cause, but suspected some kind of radio interference. On the plus side, isn't a car that warns you you've left your phone behind a good thing?!
NABS: I had this problem too. Solved by chaging the frequency the doorbell works on - there should be switches inside the bellpush and the receiver to do it.
20-06-2012 05:07 PM
I got a new door bell last year. Tried it a few times as i was setting it up and a neighbour down the road kept answering his door! Third attempt I found a frequency that no one was using...
20-06-2014 05:27 PM
It sounds like a MAzda issue then. It might be worth contacting a dealer to see if there's been an upgrade, though I suspect that the frequency would be a hard-wired thing. (Assuming you haven't been down that route already, I haven't re-reasd the whole thread).