19-06-2012 04:32 PM
My SGS2 sest off my car alarm.....
I know this is almost certainly not a Vodafone problem but I was wondering if anyone else has found this?
Recently changed my car to a Mazda 6 (2006) and found that if I leave my phone in the car, locked, after a few minutes (between 1 and 10) the alarm will go off. Car Alarm has never gone off without the phone in it. Must have done it 10 times or more now. It's done it in the UK, France, Belgium - best one being in a quiet campsite in the middle of the night - reading in the car before bed, then wandered off to the Loo and forgot about the phone........a few minutes later lights and horns going off....of course everyone was woken up!
Have taken this up with Samsung, and will approach Mazda too. The Car and the phone should not interfere - EU Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations should prevent this.
Anyway, anyone with a similar problem?
23-06-2014 12:35 PM
A dealer would still be able to tell you if there were any updates, whether they're still available and whether there'd be a cost to install them.
30-07-2015 11:47 PM