21-10-2014 11:34 AM
I've noticed recently that the battery in my Samsung Galaxy S4 drains rapidly while I'm not using the device. It was fully charged one night so I unplugged it, slept for several hours and woke to see a battery warning displayed.
I have tried terminating all apps and restarting the device to ensure that the problem isn't related to a bad app. Today, for example, the battery was down to about 36% charge two hours after disconnecting the charger, and with little use. The Battery status page shows the following apps:
Android OS 45%
Android System 12%
Google Play services 11%
Cell standby 9%
Screen 6%
BBC Weather 4%
Facebook 3%
Wi-Fi 2%
I understand that this model has had some battery problems and that it might be possible to obtain a replacement battery. Please would you advise?
02-11-2014 07:40 AM