04-05-2013 05:00 PM
So my big niggle now is trying to set up different progiles on the Q10. This was so easy on the 9780. I know they have differnet options (Normal, phone calls, vibrate and silent) but you cannot personalise them all like you used to be able - and for them to stay. I was also able to name my own profiles and set up as many as I liked. surely there is a way. anyone know how please?
05-05-2013 03:32 PM
Hi wynmorgan,
I've done a little digging and it looks like the Q10 is designed more around notifications on a per contact basis, rather than a profile based one so there's only the standard 3 profiles to choose from.
If there are any other users out there that can shed a little light on this for us please let me know
05-05-2013 06:03 PM
Wow that's pants isn't it. How you want the call to come throug hdepends on what you are doing and where you are rather than who is calling etc.
05-05-2013 06:35 PM
The Main Profile let's you set whether you want Vibrate, Silent or Ring Level.
The Ring Tone will still be the one that has been set against the Individual Profile.
05-05-2013 07:38 PM
07-05-2013 08:47 PM
There doesn't seem to be much knowledge amongst the community so perhaps the techies could try their blackberry contacts?
10-06-2015 09:58 AM
Having just spoken to the "technical department" as to how I could increase all notification sounds from their 40% volume and their two second duration, alarm bells should have rung when they said they had never heard of OS10.3.1 for a Blackberry Q10.
On the fourth call, as the first cut off, the second failed to call back, the third was not happy with which farm my eggs came from, I was advised that if I went to Blackberry's website, I could download OS7.
Unfortunately it could not be applied to the phone as it was using OS10.3.1, so I reverted the phone back to factory settings and low and behold - it doesn't work at all.
Perhaps Vodafone may repair it, on the other hand they may not, as they are likely to say the damage was self-inflicted, but nevertheless, a responsibility should be held, when supplying a phone and software on a two year contract.
When using Vodafone's technical department, listen carefully to what they are saying, and you will come to the same conclusion as myself - they do not know! As confirmed with no updated releases.
10-06-2015 06:58 PM