16-12-2015 09:59 PM
Hi, How do I remove the Vodafone logo on the left of my black strip at the top (notifications bar). The option 'show mobile network' which works for other brands is missing on the Ultra 6.
21-12-2015 11:11 AM
21-12-2015 04:29 PM
Various things strike me.
@Briancapri possibly attributes the problem to a brand new SIM; does his daughter have the same model of phone?
The Smart Ultra 6 is possibly a more recent Vodafone phone than either @hrym or I have used.
I have a very recent SIM, but it has had my long-standing number transferred to it, so it may not count as new. Also I believe some stores now issue 3-in-1 SIMs, but my local store gave me a nano-SIM, so it may not actually be that recent. All my other SIMs are at least a year old.
@DaveCD said that the feature wasn't removable, but he said it before we had seen where it appeared. Is this a new feature in very recent phones or on very recent SIMs? Vodafone isn't going to make itself particularly popular if its name now appears in a part of the phone that it used not to.
I'd certainly advise against rooting, but would simple unlocking from Vodafone deal with the issue? Though that comes at a price - £19.99 for PAYG regardless of how long you have had it, £19.99 for PayM during the first year (I'm unsure on the duration for PayM).
There are too many unknowns here for my liking!
21-12-2015 05:01 PM
FWIW, I put a new SIM in my M9 about a couple of months ago. I can't quite see why or how the SIM would affect where the carrier name appears. The illustration is from a US-spec phone (brand unknown?) I assume, it being AT&T.
I'd have thought that carrier name positioning would be a firmware thing, wouldn't it? And, if Vodafone are putting it there, why only on this device and not everything they brand? - I'm assuming we'd have heard/seen something if that was the case. I'd really like to see exactly what's appearing on the OP's phone, if I understand correctly that the illustration isn't from that.
I agree with @Annie_N about there being too many unknowns!
21-12-2015 06:43 PM - edited 21-12-2015 06:46 PM
@ HRYM - Where ATT Sucks is the word Vodafone. that's all, I don't think you don't need a screen shot of my phone to understand that it's going to add nothing to the debate. Thanks
21-12-2015 06:51 PM
THis page should help visually but there's no solution.
EE is a lot better Vodafone isn't as short or snappy.
21-12-2015 06:54 PM - edited 21-12-2015 06:55 PM
@Briancapri wrote:...but there's no solution.
I believe that is precisely what was said here and here
21-12-2015 07:20 PM
I added the pic and info because it was asked for. And I've read all the posts thanks.
22-12-2015 10:39 AM
Thanks for posting. @Annie_N and I were perplexed because we haven't seen that before. We didn't disbelieve you, buit just wanted to see it exactly. It's odd and I can only assume it's a device thing so, yes, no solution other than if one comes in a firmware update. I agree with you about it cluttering up the notification area.
22-12-2015 10:54 AM
It's definitely a device thing. iPhones always show the network name at the top of the screen and I checked a Samsung Galaxy S6 yesterday and that does as well. I think all Samsung devices do. Therefore seeing the network name is very common indeedand something I'm used to.
HTC One's don't show it - not sure about LG's or Sonys.
22-12-2015 10:59 AM - edited 22-12-2015 11:31 AM
Doesnt show on my Sony Z3, only when the shortcut menu is pulled down from the top of the screen.