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So what Firmware will the S5 Get ??

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

The rumor camp is all over the place with what firmware will be rolled out

samsung is good at holding firmware back, and with rumours of yet another phone three months after the S5 is not good

Now at the moment were on 4.4.2 but some devices from other manfactors are getting 4.4.4

But that is bringing nothing new

so will we see L well google hopes so and are pushing that firmware

and has been quoted saying that they wont be helping with any other

Networks have been rumoured to want to roll out 4.4.4 which apparantly they have had (and Bloated)

But as samsung has been working closley with Google on there watch and as the S5 is there flagship to get the Google Live to work properly it needs L

So what will L bring well a better and cleaner OS but many of the feature we have

But Google is PUSHING no fragmentation

But Could samsung Hold back the L for there New phone

Or is this the New Idea they signed up for were every Manufacture makes a Google Live phone

Lets Hope samsung roll out L