22-03-2018 01:45 PM
I switched over to Vodafone fibre last month and it's basically been crap. Download speeds are fine (18Mbps) and upload is, well, what I get in my area (0.4Mbps). The problem is my connection constantly times out, more so if you do anything outside of light web browsing. As soon as you even think of watching a YouTube video or loading up Netflix, ping tests show my pings hit the thousands and if not they time out. Having more than 1 person use the internet slows the thing down to a crawl, practically unusable where 240p YouTube video even struggle to load.
I've spoken to support online and on the phone, several times in fact, every time putting me through the same routine checks and saying the lines fine. Twice they've elevated the fault to the next stage and both times they've closed it, stating nothing is wrong. The first time they sent an engineer round the next day without even telling me, I showed him evidence of the issue which he acknowleged but obviously ran the tests, found no fault and said it must be an issue on Vodafones end, which I agree with since no other ISP has given me this issue.
With 2 closed tickets and likely my current open one will make 3, is there anyway I can get out of my contract without incurring the penalty, since I'm clearly not getting the service I'm paying for, made even worse by the fact I'm being sent through the same loops over and over by support? I've had enough trying to reason with Vodafone since they've made it clear they don't give a ##~##.
22-03-2018 06:35 PM
1. Keep a reecord dates/times/names of any communication with Vodafone, whether on the phone, email, or moderator comments.
2.Complete the complaints form:
3. Call Ofcom on 0300 123 3333 and get their advice
4. If your assertion is correct, and you follow the above , it will be more hassle, but you should avoid clai,ms for early termination fees.
oim from Vodafone to for early termination fees.
Good luck, you're not alone!
22-03-2018 06:40 PM
1. Keep a record dates/times/names of any communication with Vodafone, whether on the phone, email, or moderator comments.
2.Complete the complaints form:
3. Call Ofcom on 0300 123 3333 and get their advice
4. If your assertion is correct, and you follow the above , it will be more hassle, but you should avoid claims for early termination fees.
Good luck, you're not alone!
22-03-2018 06:43 PM
Hey, thanks for the reply.
I spoke to someone at Vodafone within the past hour that was adamant to say this is the final time I'll have to make a complaint, claiming they'll get to the bottom of my issue. If they don't I'll definitely go with your advice, thanks.
23-03-2018 07:33 PM
I'm really sorry to hear you've been having trouble with your broadband speeds @GetBeaned and apologise that we've not managed to get this resolved for you.
We'll be more than happy to investigate further and make sure that this is escalated to our Broadband Technical team.
I've sent you a private message with details on how to get in touch with us directly. Please continue to keep us updated and don't hesitate to pop back to us with any further questions.
24-03-2018 09:55 AM
Sorry to be cynical, usually these moderator replies don't cachive anything apart from delays. Ofcom is aware of the problems with Vodafone and are investigating in a couple of areas, including I am lead to believe issues with the current standard router.
I encouage a formal complaunt using the form I alluded to earlier.
12-04-2018 07:01 PM
Well, one engineer and one new router later, I'm still no better off. Just recieved the laughable "closing support ticket" for the 4th time.
I've put in a complaint as suggested and will contact Ofcom tomorrow.
16-04-2018 06:42 PM
It's really disappointing to hear your issues not been resolved after an Engineer visit and a new router @GetBeaned.
If you'd like us to chase your query up for you, please provide us with the email reference number we'll have sent out to you when you completed the form in the private message - it'll look something like this [#12345678].
17-04-2018 01:20 PM
What form in the private message? The only form I completed was a complait form, the one that says they'll respond before 48 hours yet never did.
19-04-2018 02:11 AM
That's the one @GetBeaned, let us know the email reference number in the subject bar from the automated response you received from us, so we can chase this up for you.