23-01-2014 11:17 AM
On ##### calls and sending texts as normal, I wasn't receiving any replies.
After talking to Vodafone (a very long and unsatisfying process) I discovered that significant engineering work was going on in my area that day. But my suresignal should have protected me.
Well I wasn't protected, and I know of one other vodafone/suresignal user who has experineced the same issue.
I am now wondering whether Vodafone disable traffic into an area while engineering work is going on. This is the only way I can see that I would have 'lost' these messages and calls. This is particularly annoying when you have a suresignal, as you have no way of knowing that there is a problem. If you are directly connected to the network, you can see the connection status, so you know when there is a problem. In the case of a suresignal all looks fine, and you just think all your friends and coleagues have died.
Please could someone from vodafone find out if part of the engineering process is to block incoming traffic to an area, and if so, how does/should this affect suresignal users in the area?
24-01-2014 03:18 PM
Hi jmitvodafone,
Local maintenance work wouldn’t affect the Sure Signal as it doesn’t route through the local network.
If you’re still having issues, can you let us know what they are?
Also, so we can help further, can you provide the following please:-
Your Sure Signal serial number.
Your speed test results from here.
Your ping test results from here.
Your external IP address from here.
The results of a traceroute.
VSS Traceroute command
On a PC:
Click on Start and select Run
Type CMD into the Run box and press enter/click ok
A black box will appear.
In this box type tracert press Enter
Paste the output of this command into your reply.