14-07-2016 11:29 AM
Returned from a short trip to find SureSignal has solid red + 2 solid white lights but my phone is not seeing a 3G signal from the unit. I have rebooted broadband router and the suresignal but no change in behaviour. I see other users reporting issues being deregistered, wanted to check there's nothing changed at the other end.
25-07-2016 02:30 PM
@DaveCD - still in the same place as I was last week. I can see that the SS3 has outgoing connections as reported by my router to 3 NTP servers and another VF host on port 4500 (see below). There's a constant 4kB/s of traffic to and from the SS3 to the Internet so I have to believe it's operating normally. I've seen the announcements about BT network issues - is Demon one of those affected or do I have a different problem ?
Private IP :Port #Pseudo Port Peer IP :Port
------------------------------------------------------------------------ 50123 50315 123 50124 50316 123 50124 50316 123 4500 37460 4500
26-07-2016 05:19 PM
@266bhr Can you please let us know if you're still having trouble? As I can see your Sure Signal made a connection late in the evening yesterday (25 July 2016).
29-07-2016 10:41 PM
@Rahim - just got back, and can confirm SS3 is now working; I'm not aware of any changes this end so assume the network in between was an issue. Thanks for checking back, I'm all sorted now.
01-08-2016 02:32 PM
@266bhr Great to hear
Thanks for letting us know!