09-11-2016 09:44 PM
All I've just moved to Virgin Cable (Vivid 200) over the weekend and have a Super Hub 3, but having an issue with my Vodafone Sure Signal V3 device, which stopped working at the point of switchover. I was on a BT Home Hub before.
Initial investigations suggest the hub is having an issue recognising/communicating with the device (internally - not picking up the mac address and giving it a 192.168.0.X address). It definitely gets a connection as the ethernet cable has a light on the back of the hub.
Tried the usual, different ports, different cables which I know work fine, but just this device is not populating in the connected device page.
Appreciate any advice or help
12-11-2016 04:45 PM
@Q84 Can you take a look at our Sure Signal Troubleshooting thread, and then post back your results if you’re not directed to an existing thread?