07-10-2011 04:21 PM
Is visual voicemail on the cards for roll out?
It still irks me that o2 are the only network to offer this.
Solved! Go to best answer.
07-10-2011 05:21 PM
03-06-2017 07:05 PM
Well put. Are you seeing this, Vodafone?
03-06-2017 09:50 PM
26-11-2013 09:30 AM - edited 26-11-2013 09:31 AM
There is clearly a demand for it. This is not exactly giving power to us it now?
13-04-2012 08:52 PM
Trawling through the archives I see that Visual Voicemail is not supported by Vodafone. Is anything likely to change w.r.t. this feature?
13-04-2012 09:05 PM
22-04-2012 02:59 AM
I think it's important to point out that it's possible to offer visual voicemail on many smartphones. Based on a quick search, AT&T in the US offers visual voicemail for Blackberries, HTC and Samsung phones (Galaxy Note, etc). Verizon lists a whole range of devices that are compatible with visual voicemail on their website, including phones from Blackberry, HTC, LG, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung and the Sony Ericsson Xperia (search for Verizon vvm compatible devices). The iPhone may be one of the only phones with visual voicemail built in, but if an operator enables it, many other phones would be able to use visual voicemail as well.
It's not acceptable for an operator to claim 'it's not worth upgrading a system that can only be used by one phone'. The US operators have demonstrated that VVM can be rolled out to Android and BB phones as well.
22-04-2012 10:15 AM
The points you make are very good but I would still not swap the UK mobile networks for the American ones. People seem to have the impression that America leads the way technologically and it it isn't the case. In the UK and Europe we have always been a long way ahead of the US. We had been using digitial networks for years when the Americas we still rooted to analgoue. We do not pay to receive calls - they do. Their market was heavily fragmented leading to high roaming costs if you left your local neighbourhood. Only AT&Ts offers the Iphone on GSM and they have only started to entertain the concept of unlocking phones in the last two weeks. If I had to rank visual voicemail against all of those other things, I think it would come last.
27-04-2012 02:34 PM
Well I finally gave up any hope of Vodafone providing VVM and went teh HulloMail route.
Frankly I am surprised by how good it is and certainly eases the 'step back into the 90's' issue I had wen moving from O2 with VVM to Vodafone and its frankly antiquated and painful old voicemail solution.
Releived to have found a workable solution.
27-04-2012 09:08 PM
Try Libon Voicefeed - although the premium option that unlocks a lot of good features isn't free
27-04-2012 03:19 PM
@CTurner80 wrote:
It's not acceptable for an operator to claim 'it's not worth upgrading a system that can only be used by one phone'. The US operators have demonstrated that VVM can be rolled out to Android and BB phones as well.
Out of the box it's only the iPhone that supports it.
I believe the networks in the states have created apps similiar to hullomail to allow this, check the market i believe AT&T T-Mo and Verizons ar all there.
Also worth notige Verizon charge $3 a month for the service and AT&T customers can only use it free on a 4G tariff.