19-09-2016 12:25 PM
Hi all, Looking to switch over to Vodafone, but would like to avoid reconfiguring my home network entirely, so I have a bunch of random questions that would help me figure this out before I switch..
Is there a "modem-only mode" on the router, if so what is the default device and network addresses and is it configurable?
If not this probably isn't for me, but:
Are static routes configurable?
Is there a "DMZ" mode? I mean that the consumer grade firewall, forward the lot sense..
Can the firewall be disabled?
Final couple unrelated to the previous ones:
Is an SNMP trap and/or syslog server configurable?
Also this link indicates port 443 is open and cannot be closed from the external perspective:
What happens when port 443 is forwarded to an internal device or the device is in DMZ forwarding mode (if supported)?
Sorry for the questions. I was looking for the device manual, and for some reason it doesn't seem publicly available (that doesn't bode too well, from previous experience).
20-09-2016 05:30 PM
Hello @steve-m
The best way to talk through all of your questions is to call our Broadband Technical team on 08080 034 515 from any phone and we will help you further.
04-04-2018 01:40 PM
So I've recently joined after getting completely sick of the continuous Virgin price rises and outages and the answer is essentially no to the above questions, static routing and 802.1q trunking is not possible on the home or business broadband packages supplied router. No syslog or SNMP either.
Modem mode can be vaguely replicated though I'd read - seen some posts on this but not attempted it.
443 is not open externally for me out of the box.
Since making the original post its possible to (although unsupported of course) to use your own networking equipment so it is a non-issue for me now. Just another expense that I'm appreciate having the _option_ of making should I choose. So many thanks for changing that policy.
04-04-2018 03:16 PM
The Vodafone router can not be made to work in modem only mode. I would think you would be best to use your own router or modem+router. Just ask Vodafone for your connection userid and password and be prepared to say which of the routers on the BT Sin 498 list you plan to use. I use a 2nd hand ebay Zyxel VMG8924-B10A which I think does at least some of what you want.
04-04-2018 03:39 PM
Thanks, that is exactly what I'll be doing (already been given my credentials today, support were great). When the original post (nearly two years ago) was made it was not permitted to use your own device so it was important for me to know.
I'm glad I didnt move at that time, else I would have been screwed!
My needs can't be particularly unique, so I thought I'd post my update regardless in case anyone else was looking for any of those features but mostly, yep, if your needs are fairly specific there are alternative options now.
Also thanks for the router recommendation. I've got a router I'm happy with already, so I'm currently looking at the Draytek Vigor 130 modem. But I'll definitely bear that in mind an look into it.