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Vodafone K5160 Dongle Prepay Package - activate SIM / start 90 days when I want?

4: Newbie

Hi Vodafone support,

I just collected my Vodafone K5160 Dongle Prepay with 6GB Package instore and they said the SIM was activated and the 90 day expiry period had already started ticking down from today.


I do not want to use the data - just yet. Was planning to start using it from mid March - once we start going away for weekends etc. So, I will be going back tomorrow for a refund.


If I order the same online for delivery to my house, will the SIM once again come activated, or will I be able to hold onto the SIM and activate in March - thereby lasting me hopefully into June (assuming I dont use the 6GB up).


Don't wish to be rude - but please only answer if you know the answer definitively.

I would not wish to return a 2nd one if it comes pre-activated.


Otherwise, I will just wait till March and buy one then - it's just that they have a good offer at the moment!




Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@harry66 I'd advise that you request a new one in March when you actully want one, just because we allways send out hardware ready to use.

I'd also advise that you see our Returns policy just so you're fully aware what you need to do

Please let us know how you get on :Thumbs_Up:



Ok - thanks for the confirmation.


I have to say it is a quite naff that the customer cannot choose when to activate the SIM and start their 90 days - which they have paid for.


If Vodagone truly valued the customer (over their profits) they would let the customer decide.