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Apple TV Subscription

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Just joined Vodafone broadband and took the xtra package which included Apple TV+ subscription. The Apple TV box arrived and is set up by I'm not finding Vodafone on the option list of TV providers. Only getting EE or BT options. Can anyone shead any light on this? Thanks.



Hey @Devonshiredave. Thanks for getting in touch with us about your issues with Apple TV. As we can't access account information via this forum, can you make contact with our social media team here and we can support you with this. 

HI Remi


I'm having the same problem and have just spent an hour on the phone to Vodafone before I was cut off by your very unhelpful call operator can you help me


Hey @N10steve If you pop us message on our socials, we'd be happy to look into your Apple TV subscription. Just include a link to your post here too.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I'm assuming, don't have an Apple TV box myself, there is some confusion over how the Apple TV+ subscription is supplied.

I believe the way Vodafone works is you get a 3 month trial of Apple TV+ which you access through the Rewards section of the My Vodafone app, once activated it's linked to your Apple ID.
You then sign into the TV Box with the same Apple ID and your + subscription should be available. 

To my knowledge Vodafone are not a TV Provider in the same way that EE or BT are, i.e. they don't provide live TV services via the Apple TV box.

There may be another member of the forum who has been through the process and can confirm though.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Hi, had the same thing.  3-month appleTV subscription was part of my new deal with Vodafone. New router arrived on 6th Feb with the Apple TV box and the broadband was activated same day.  However, no information was provided about activating the AppleTV subscription. After scouring the website, and calling Vodafone 3 times now to request further details, I've now been told that it typically takes up to 6 weeks to receive the activation code by email! This is not made clear to new customers when signing up, or in the contract.  Unacceptable.