Hi There
I have had vodafone mobile broadband for just over a year now. It's been a rocky ride i can tell you. Sometimes it's been terrible but then usually in a day or so it will go back to normal. Not this time.
I have been having EXTREME problems with the internet for the last month. Now i don't understand why it is suddenyl doing this but it is. Basically, There are a few problems. One is that the internet has slowed to a crawl and i can no longer even watch youtube videos at 320p (which is riduculous as i used to watch it fine at 720p) so this needs fixing badly. Secondly, If i leave the computer for a about 10 minutes, I'll come back and i will have to disconnect and re-connect as it will take about 2 minutes (literally) to load a web-page. Basically, It seems like it is Trying to Hang-Up while it's idle.
My postcode is M23 1HG and in the past, People say my signal should be on exellent or very good, But as it stands (and always has since i have owned Vodafone's Mobile Broadband Service) it's on Poor or Very Poor. I have my dongle sticking out my window for best signal (which is Poor) and it used to work just fine. I have also heard that there has been a Mast constructed near my area that seems to strangle all 3G signals. Not sure if this is true but smoething is defently wrong if i'm supposed to be getting an Exellent signal.
Please Help Me
Thanks In Advance