08-03-2015 12:08 PM
Yesterday and now for the second time, when using the E172 vodafone dongle and macbook to send sports pictures post match, the blue light was on the dongle indicating 3G was working but the speed of transfer was hour to get 10 pics away...not good. I did logoff/on several times but this was no help. All pics were sent by email, one at a time via gmail, as that's the way the paper wants them. Any ideas/suggestons on what I could have done to get them to go faster would be much appreciated. (all files around 850K in size).
10-03-2015 09:20 AM
Hi @bluesnappa
Welcome to the eForum.
Is this a recent problem that you're having, or do you usually get speeds like this?
10-03-2015 12:44 PM
11-03-2015 08:08 PM
Pictures usually have gone faster than in the last month. As a sports photographer with a need to wire pics away quickly, if this continues I will need to look elsewhere for a provider that can deliver. Two weeks time I will be at the same venue and if I get a slow connection, I will be looking to cancel the contract. Sorry but time is money and I cannot afford to lose either.
12-03-2015 02:34 PM
Hi @bluesnappa
Make sure that the dongle you’ve got is running on the latest Firmware.
To check this, take a look at our Mobile broadband page.