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Vodafone internal fraudulent upgrade and gross misconduct

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

This is a brilliant one.


I used Vodafone's webchat to enquire about a Galaxy S8 upgrade. The agent (Alice) answered throughout the chat and when she felt the time was right, copy & pasted the (new contract) T's & C's for me to read. She asked me to reply with "I AGREE". I did not do this -because I was only making an enquiry. I clicked the button to be sent a transcript of the webchat and have it on file. Not once did I authorise the upgrade and that's in black and white. Webchat attached for all the haters.


A few hours later I start getting texts from Vodafone telling me the delivery is on its way.  


I call Vodafone, who tell me that an upgrade was done OVER THE PHONE in an inbound (as they called it). I told them the webchat story (I hadn't once called Vodafone). Vodafone then try telling me that if I didn't make the inbound then my account has been compromised, because they have an inbound logged. And it's probably one of my friends or family.


OK, so someone compromised the account, at the exact same time I was on a wbchat, to request the exact same phone, to my delivery address? It's obvious what's happened. The agent has acted too swiftly and logged it as an inbound upgrade to cover herself. Vodafone say they need to liten to the call. I'm laughing because I know it doesn't exist -fraud team is involved (which is a joke. The FRAUD IS INTERNAL!!). And they suggest blame is my friends and family?! Rep tells me it would be 'gross misconduct' to send an upgrade logged as inbound if I didn't make it.


Vodafone say they'll cancel the order, but I can see in MyVodafone that it's not (I'm on this new unrequested tarriff. Lower data, higher monthly charge).


In the meantime courier attempts delivery. We're not in. Then I get more texts telling me the phone is dropped at a collection point. I have not collected it to date.


They go away and listen to this phantom inbound call. They tell me they'll call me back in 3 days. They do not. I call them. They tell me yes you were right (so confirming gross misconduct...!) sorry £40 max compensation, but then they change their mind and say that they have to wait to get the phone (which they sent without me asking for it ) back -this is the fraud team kicking in again! They want their phone back which I don't even request before they give me my money and stop charging me!?


Then Vodafone tell me to take the phone to a Vodafone shop. I tell them (again and again) I don't have it -never accepted delivery. Then they tell me the order will auto cancel if I don't collect the phone (so confirming that they never did cancel the order as the first useless rep had said she would)


However my bill is now £38 (up from the £31 it should be) because Vodafone are charging me for the new contract, and my data has fallen from 9GB allowance to 4GB (per the contract they've unlawfuly put me on). The money is coming out via direct debit in a few days. 


Reps are telling me order will auto cancel you won't be charged extra even though your direct debit is in a few days.

Fraud team are saying wait a week for us to get the phone back before thye do anything?!


Contradictory! Beware internal fraud against their own customers at this joke customer service company called Vodafone.





Sunday 17th
Web chat asking for S8 prices.
Did not type "I agree".
Have transcript
Then got text saying order on its way.
Called Vodafone 13:04 told they would cancel order and call me back in 3 days after investigating "inbound call" (which I did not make)

Monday 18th
Got text saying could not deliver order
Then got a text saying Secure Net activated on account
Then got a text saying an S8 was being delivered to Tequila Off License (collection point)
Rang Vodafone 19:57. They said to ignore and order would cancel itself. Should expect call back

Tuesday 19th
Noticed on My Vodafone that my data has been cut to 4GB from 9GB
Next bill is £38 instead of £31

Thursday 21st
Told my bill would be £28.00 and offered £40 compensation.

Told to wait another week for Fraud Team to recover phone

Friday 22nd

Bill still at £38 for coming direct debit and no credits posted to the account



Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@User2212 I'm really glad our team were able to help get you back on the correct tariff.

It's disappointing to hear that you're now having mobile data problems. I'm positive you'll be able to get everything fixed on the phone, but if you do need any further help, just pop another email over to us and we'll get back in touch with you 😊