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World Of Warcraft Connection Problems

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i'm new here, just got my contract and wondering if you guys could help. i bought my pro stick on contract on saturday 22/03/09 and was surfing by saturday evening, at some ease! also manage to update my wow account and start playing so i was pretty happy.

but on sunday 23/03/09 i couldn't logon to wow. the logon process would get stuck at either or connecting/handshaking/success! stages and just stop until i cancelled the action. also i noticed i could no longer access my wow account from the site either.

i called vodafone custumer service and asked to removed the restricted content protocal in the hope that would clear it up but i'm still having the same problems.

as far as the site problem i think it might be a java script problem since i noticed in the bottom right corner of the browser a messege saying 'java (0 void )'. My browser is firefox.

but as the connecting issue to the blizzard login servers, could anyone help? i've done all i can this end (i believe) i've flushed/released/renew the DNS and followed blizzards tech support advise with no results.

thanks for your time!

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hey Elixia_Dragmire,

This is indeed odd! We don't block this port, and I knoe many friends who happily play WoW using our Mobile Broadband modem.

Have you tried accessing the site without optimisation? This can be removed by installing the Full Vodafone Mobile Connect suite, choosing 'custom' instead of standard and adding the Optimisation tool. This, or hit CTR-F5 on the webpages to reload without optimisation, or, connect via the Start > Connect To > VMC option on Windows. Failing all this, read up on another solution on this thread.

Other than this, is there any way you could try the modem on another computer or in another location, should anything relating to either of these be affecting your success...?

Do let me know how you get on!


eForum Team

Not applicable
Hey Elixia_Dragmire,

This is indeed odd! We don't block this port, and I knoe many friends who happily play WoW using our Mobile Broadband modem.

Have you tried accessing the site without optimisation? This can be removed by installing the Full Vodafone Mobile Connect suite, choosing 'custom' instead of standard and adding the Optimisation tool. This, or hit CTR-F5 on the webpages to reload without optimisation, or, connect via the Start > Connect To > VMC option on Windows. Failing all this, read up on another solution on this thread.

Other than this, is there any way you could try the modem on another computer or in another location, should anything relating to either of these be affecting your success...?

Do let me know how you get on!


eForum Team

thanks for that wondeful response! i'll be sure to check all that (when i get home ^^). i'll let you know how it turns out!

Not applicable
Did you get WoW up and running again okay? I have been using 3 for my MBB for the last 18 months, but it has become completely untenable for playing Warcraft on for the last two months and I have been getting no help at all.

I can see a VF mast from my compter, about 50 feet outside my window across the street so I figured I'd pick up a VF dongle when I get paid on Wednesday. What I need to know is do VF put any restriction on playing Warcraft through their MBB set up? I know from experience that even if I'm playing for a good ten hour session I only use around 50MB so I'm not going to have an issue when it comes to volume of usage.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi KMHall and welcome to the eForum

Thanks for your post here. If you let us know you full postcode we can take a look at the location and tell you what levels of signal you should expect to receive.

Vodafone do not restrict the use of a MBB. We would just be concerned with usage for this type of thing but as you say you only use small amounts of data so it should be absolutely fine.

Let me know and we'll be more than happy to help you further



eForum Team

Not applicable
Mmm, same problem here.

Had no problems logging on to wow for months but on Sunday things went down hill and I'm lucky if I can log in. Also, it's not just wow, I find it difficult to keep a connection for more than ten minutes just surfing the internet. I've done the usual troubleshooting stuff and even reinstalled it but still as bad. The problems all began at the weekend.


Not applicable
Oops, forgot to say my full post code is LE2 6TQ.

Not applicable
Thanks for your post here. If you let us know you full postcode we can take a look at the location and tell you what levels of signal you should expect to receive.

Vodafone do not restrict the use of a MBB. We would just be concerned with usage for this type of thing but as you say you only use small amounts of data so it should be absolutely fine.

Hey Wayne,

Thanks very much for your reply. Good to here there's no restrictions on how the allowance is used only on the amount. I appreciate the offer to check signal strength for me. It's CF11 6AJ. Though to be honest I don't see much problem. I'm right in the centre of Cardiff and, as I said before, cn see the mast out my window, just across the road.

If you are willing to do the check though, I'm not going to complain. Looks like I'll be buying my dongle tomorrow morning then and seeing how it goes.

*fingers crossed* I miss my WoW! Also, if all goes well then you will have pinched an unhappy customer from 3.

Thanks a lot.

1: Seeker
Having much the same problems - I've been playing WoW over wireless LAN on my laptop, but recently bought a MBB dongle so I can surf and play when on those interminable residential courses my employer sends me on.

WoW has tried to do a patch, downloaded it OK and checked it, then stops saying "The tracker is not responding."

Having been through all my firewall settings and Windows Firewall (even though it's off) to check, as far as I can see, everything is allowed - and anyhow it played OK over the LAN. I've ensured the MBB is fully trusted and allowing stuff through.

I've done all of the above, now running with VMC 9.2 with optimisation off (was on 9.3 before) and that's made no difference.

WoW tech supports says "TCP Ports 3724, 6112, 6881-6999" are the ports an ISP might block - I take it this isn't the case with Vodafone?

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi Stucky,

Firstly I would like to welcome you to the eForum. :D

I am afraid World of Warcraft is not my area of expertise I am afraid, I tend to do my online gaming on an Xbox 360. I am not aware that we block any kind of ports.

This is something our forum users that play the game may be able to help you with, there is also a World Of Warcraft Forum where you may be able to get some assistance.

Thanks B-)

eForum Team

1: Seeker
I've got round it now by doing a manual patch - and the game plays fine over the dongle, so I'm guessing it was an issue with the patch. But thanks for the help.