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change my delivery date of IPhone 6

4: Newbie


have successfully upgraded to the IPhone 6:smileyvery-happy: . I know that the delivery dates haven't been firmed up for the Iphone 6 yet as it's not released till Friday. Unfortunately I have now got to go away early hours of friday morning so am not going to be about, is there anyway to change a delivery date??

Went by the name of Homer. Seven feet tall he was, with arms like tree trunks. His eyes were like steel, cold, hard. Had a shock of hair, red like the fires of Hell.


Another update
Thanks to my wonderful neighbour my package has been tracked down and is in her safe hands. I have notified dpd and Vodafone of this however I do require from both parties an apology and compensation.

When will Vodafone realise that dpd is driving away their customers!
Went by the name of Homer. Seven feet tall he was, with arms like tree trunks. His eyes were like steel, cold, hard. Had a shock of hair, red like the fires of Hell.

Final update to the worst experience of customer service I have ever recieved!
I have finally agreed compensation with Vodafone (2 emails later) yet despite me forwarding a request from dpd themselves for Vodafone to request an investigation into dpd's own screwup, I have been told that must contact dpd to complain!
Do cs people not read the history of complaint before sending generic emails? Do they just sit there and copy/paste standard sentences into emails?

I cannot believe how exceptionally poor the service has become at Vodafone, they are absolutely useless!

I will be taking my business elsewhere and will never reccomend Vodafone to anybody. I strongly urge everybody who has suffered in this iphone upgrade/launch (from reading the forum, I guess there must be hundreds) make your feelings known and take your business elsewhere, we are too inclined in this country to sit back and endure poor customer service!
Went by the name of Homer. Seven feet tall he was, with arms like tree trunks. His eyes were like steel, cold, hard. Had a shock of hair, red like the fires of Hell.