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desperatley trying yo pay my cancelled contract and getting knowhere for 3 years now

1: Seeker

a few years back i took out a cotract for a phoen and got messed about by phones for you. anyway to cut the storty short, i got passed to a debt collection by vodaphone. this comapny closed down, and the account got passed back to vodaphone.

no one has contacted me since 2013 about it. i have tried calling in and get passed from team to team, then the call gets disconected. on one occasion i got passed throught to 9 diffrent people, and was on the phone for 2 1/2 hours. still im stuck with this debt that ive been trying to clear off my credit score for 3 years and no one in vodaphone will help, and the debt is affecting my chances to credit etc (looking to get a morgagae in the near future).

can someone anyone help. as i think mt next and only chance if this dosent work is to try the bbc's you & yours and watchdog.


Community Champion (Retired)
Community Champion (Retired)

You will need to speak to tbe Credit File Support Team who will ( should ) be able to trace your old account. It is possible that as the contract was with Phones4U and the account was passed to a collection agency and then back to Vodafone that the account balance was written off.


Regarding the marker on your credit file the problem there is that if their was a genuine debt then unless it was created in error by Vodafone's actions tbe marker will remain on your credit file for six years although once paid it will show as "Settled".


If you feel the marker is unwarranted you can put a Notice of Correction on your file so anyone searching your file can see your explanation for the debt. But that is only worth doing if you dispute that there was never a valid debt which from you wanting to pay seems not to be the case.





i will try that team tuesday. you dont have a direct number for them at all?


 the debt is actuall over 7 years old. ive disputed it as i had paid it to phones4u debt collection agency back then, only to discover money not passed to vodaphone.

everytime i disbute vodaphone sends it back refusing to take it off my file.

Community Champion (Retired)
Community Champion (Retired)

There is no direct number you need to call and ask to be transferred to the team.


Although it was 7 years ago do you have any proof that the money was paid to Phones4u? Without that you may have an uphill struggle to have tbe marker removed. 


If Vodafone are refusing to remove the marker then they must be checking your old account to deny it was paid, If you do not get any result from tbe team them post back here and one of the Vodafone Tech Team will contact you through this forum  for some details and be able to get it looked at further.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@kids wrote:


Although it was 7 years ago do you have any proof that the money was paid to Phones4u? Without that you may have an uphill struggle to have tbe marker removed.  

@kids - I thought that a default would remain on the credit file for 6 years.  If it was 7 years ago, shouldn't it have been removed by now whether or not it was paid?


Community Champion (Retired)
Community Champion (Retired)

@drey_p It does remain 6 years from the date or was entered on the file but we do not know when Vodafone made the entry, maybe @Fenrirwolf can check that date.


I suspect that Vodafone did not make the entry until after it was passed to them when Phones4u went out of business.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Community Champion (Retired)
Community Champion (Retired)

@Fenrirwolf In the UK there is a six year Stature of Limitation in debts but although your debt is more than 6 years old this does not unfortunately apply to your case.


The 6 years runs from the last time the creditor make contact with you and it does not matter if he debt was sold / transferred the 6 years apply from tbe date of the most recent contact made with you and as you say that was 2013 the credit file entry is valid.


A Notice of Correction is only of any use if the creditor has made an error and the alleged debt never existed.



16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member
I think you may be right @kids and it was only put on the credit file when the debt was passed over to Vodafone. Should it not have been done from the date it was incurred though?


Community Champion (Retired)
Community Champion (Retired)

@drey_p Putting it on the file when it was incurred would have seem to be the correct thing to do.


But as @Fenrirwolf was a Phones4u customer I do not know who would have been responsible for chasing / collecting the debt. 


If it was Phones4u and they didn't bother,  then I assume Vodafone would have been unaware of tbe debt until  Phones4u landed it back it their laps when they went out of business.