04-09-2016 06:33 AM
iOS feature: Guided Access.
Source : iPhoneHacks.
Link > Guided Access ~ Prevent-snooping-lock-in-one-app.
Found in > Settings~General~Accessibility~Guided Access.
Excerpt from the Link.
"If you routinely give your friends access to your iPhone, to make a call or to see some photos, you know they almost always end up snooping around. If you want to prevent this from happening, you can use a built-in Accessibility feature in iOS called Guided Access. This is also useful if you have kids and you hand them your iPhone or iPad to watch videos but don’t want them accidentally using everything that’s on your iPhone.
Guided Access works on a per-app basis. Once you enable it (by triple clicking the home button), the user is locked inside the app. They can’t go to the Home screen or open any other apps. Disabling it just takes another 3 clicks to the home button."
My Thoughts.
I allow my 8 year old Granddaughter to use various educational apps on my iPhone and iPad. This feature certainly helps to stop accidental navigation to other parts of my idevices.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁴ Ultra 512gb.