30-11-2015 04:17 PM
I have recently been given a new Iphone 5S for a company phone.
I am now suffering multiple call drop outs where my old Blackberry Q10 holds a signal.
Is there anything I can to to reset/improve this please?
30-11-2015 04:25 PM
On the iPhone hold down the Sleep/Wake Button and Home button together until the Apple Logo shows. Then On seeing this Apple Logo release both buttons ,and the iPhone will reset , which has been known to clear most glitches.
Settings -> General-> Reset -> Reset Network Settings.
Please do check your masts just incase an issue has recently developed.
Please also use the Zoom out feature in the map to check surrounding areas for issues.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
04-12-2015 07:59 AM
Thanks for your help Bandofbrothers1.
I have completed the reset and have been keeping an eye on it through the week.
My observation is that the Iphone 5S signal is consistantly weaker than the old Blackberry Q10 in the same situation.
This may be either down to the 5S being a "faulty" handset of that the Apple just doesnt have the same ability to hold a signal (call) as the Blackberry.
Thanks for your help
04-12-2015 08:33 AM
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
07-12-2015 03:31 PM
I have been told that in most cases where one phone receives and holds signal better than another is down to where within the phone the antenna is situated, the length of 'track', that's how far it runs around inside the phone or put another way its physical length and weather it has any connection to the battery power and other ciruitry that acts as a signal ampilfier.
07-12-2015 04:37 PM
I have an i5s (not in a case) that is providing poor signal strength and quality. It appears that before making a call the signal indicator is 1 maybe 2 bar and then whilst dialling and sometimes when the call is answered it increases to 3 or 4. This is very disruptive as the recipient of my call usually answers before the strength can catch-up making it almost impossible for them to hear me and often hang-up. I then call back and the signal strength is better.
I don’t get this problem on my wife’s i5s on EE.
Any help other than to switch networks?
Regards, Sean
09-12-2015 03:09 PM
If this issue is issolated to one location, please try the steps in our Network Troubleshooting thread.
If you are still experiencing the issue after completing these steps, post the template with your answers here and I'll have a member of the team get back to you ASAP.