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managing users

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

A few days ago my phone HTC sensation lost service.with an error stating disconnected because service is unavailable. Many attempts to fix on phone and starting stopping sure signal.  This has not worked. When checking my vodafone account my new number does not show in the user list.  On trying to re add it does not allow stating that the number is already registered.  However as I have said it does not appear in the list.  This must be the issue.  I have contacted Vodafone customer services who have replied confirming that the number is no longer registered. See my problem now. As for a cause I am not sure.  There have been a few updates on phone lately and I am now using a wireless link when at home to download.  This a Tooway satellite system as we have no 3G signal here and broadband is less than 1meg. I know sure signal does not work on satellite so it is still on BT. 

So how do I fix the user number issue on the sure signal.


Hi Dave,


It's the owner number that still works (my wifes pay monthly phone) and mine (also pay mnthly on my business account) that worked before we went away & hasn't worked since we returned. When I log in to Vodafone, my home page shows the correct phone as owner but, as I said before, nowhere is there a "Manage User" button as repeated many times in the advice & troubleshooting pages &, in its absence, I can't manage the re-addition of my phone.


I have previously added other family numbers successfully but, because I don't get access to Manage Users, can't check whether they are still registered.


My SS2 is serial: 40113167395




Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi ronmitch,


If your wife’s number is the owner then she’ll need to log in to do this.


The ‘Manage User’ option should be there on her account. :Smiling:





Sorry, it's my phone, my login, she uses it.

Hi ronmitch,


Thanks for that.


Have you been able to log in since posting? 






No, I've not had any reception on my phone via. SS since 27th Jan. and there is still no "Manage Users" button on my SS page so I still can't check it or re-register my phone to it.


Hi ronmitch,


That’s very strange. I’ve never seen this before.


So that we can take a closer look at this for you, get in touch with us here.





OK, I got in touch via. Private messaging that evening but, as yet, have received no response.


My daughter visited at the weekend and her phone logged in straight away!


Perhaps if the "Manage Users" button referred to over & over again was actually on my screen, I could manage the whole thing myself instead of waiting weeks for any solution via this crazy system.



Hi ronmitch,


I’m sorry about the delay in getting this picked up.


I’ll get it picked up this afternoon for you.



 Hi Ron,


We’ve pushed the latest software version through to your Sure Signal.


Please leave your Sure Signal plugged in and don’t perform any re-sets for at least 24 hours.





Hello Gemma,


I'm sorry I got short today, it was extremely busy & your having to go through a longer security questionnaire than even my commercial bankers approached the giddy limit - then your system cleared the line and you wanted to go through the whole security rigmarole again, despite having called me three times on my private line and having lost the connection at your end.


Fact is, I'm caught with a non-functioning Sure Signal with just my phone, web pages that only allow me to "Remove Me", with no access to "Manage Users" at all because it never now appears (it used to because I added other phones in the distant past, which still work).


I realise you have called a number of times when I've been on the landlines but, if you don't leave a return number, I can't return your call when I'm clear.


All so frustrating I feel like chucking the so-called technology away & enjoying the peace & quiet again!


