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Can I take Vodafone to Court

2: Seeker
2: Seeker


I wonder if anyone can give me advice.

I recently have taken out a new broadband deal with Vodafone since Early May and I still don't have anything active.

I have had multiple engineers out trying to connect me to Openreach lines and each engineer and said different things. Now Vodafone refuses to help me sort this out and they keep putting the appointments later and later.

So I will explain everything from the start and hopefully someone on here can help.

I registered as a new customer with Vodafone for broadband. They sent the 1st engineer of my property on the 31st May. This engineer said that I don't have the correct cables to my property so I new appointment will need to be booked to lay the cables. (of course no phone calls came and nothing was booked)

on the 3rd June, I get a call from another engineer saying that he would be round to my property within 20 minutes but as nothing was booked with me, I wasn't at home. This engineer was helpful and I gave him permission to look around my property, which he did and he found all the right cables and junction box. He then put in a request for another appointment for another engineer to come out and install and line from the junction box to my property.

3rd appointment was on the 11th June, this engineer installed the cable from the junction box and into my property, unfortunately when he went to sort out the cable which connects the junction box to the main hub, there was a problem, the engineer didn't have access the the main hub building (not a green box thing) so he informed me that another engineer would come out and connect the lines up. He also said that I wouldn't need to be at home as the work on this end has been done.

Now this still hasn't been sorted, so I had to book a 4th appointment which was meant to be this coming Friday 21st June. I get a text message from open reach saying the times of my booking was in the morning but I asked for the afternoon. So when I tried to change the time, it changed the whole date as well. So I now have to wait till the 27th June. I then contacted Vodafone and the lady couldn't even find my account details or account number, so I then called the complaints department.

All the said was that they cant chance the appointment and that I have to now wait another week.

I have taken time off work to be at home for all these appointments, I cant work from home as I don't have access to the internet and the final cherry on top is when I spoke to the complaints department, they wouldn't help.

So my question is to anyone who can help me - where do I stand, as I have lost money due to loss of work and stress due to all of this.

Any help would be great.

Thank you


3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hi @JLBatchelor1984 

Delays to the start of a service are covered by Ofcom's Automatic Compensation scheme to which Vodafone is signed up. Payments are made as an automatic credit to your Vodafone account within 30 days of the service starting. You'll need to be aware that any delays because access to your home was not available and or you asked for a later appointment date are not counted. Your time or loss of earnings are not counted.

Should you believe the automatic compensation received is not calculated correctly then raise that as a complaint with Vodafone following the Customer Complaints Code of Practice process. If Vodafone cannot resolve a calculation query within 8 weeks or you receive a deadlock letter from Vodafone then you can ask CISAS to act free of charge as an independent arbitrator.

Details of the above are included in the Customer Complaints Code of Practice website.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Raise a complaint and Definitely try and get a deadlock letter from Vodafone then you can ask CISAS to act free of charge . You can also state how much you are wanting to compensate you on the Cisas form .you can also state what you want to happen etc to sort the issue out  I had a similar issue to yours and I took Vodafone to CISAS .Best thing I did.