05-04-2024 01:41 PM
I have recently purchased full fibre pro 2 broadband,
however it is yet to activated due to cityfibre installing the toby box about 20 metres away from the start of my property so they are having to get permissions to dig between the toby and the start of my property from the council/ land owners, this has been around a month now & i am without broadband.
The pro 2 comes with a back up module with a back up data sim card installed however vodafone say they cannot activate it as it need the internet to activate it which makes no sense but I’ll accept that.
if i was to purchase a 30 day data sim and put it in the mobile back up would this work and at least give me some form of internet?
07-12-2024 11:40 AM
@C-ODS Try taking one out of a mobile phone and see what happens.