12-02-2020 05:17 PM
Hi all,
I have been passed from pillar to post regarding my DLM capping on my line. I had a fault on the original router with a dodgy ethernet port that caused it to reboot. This reduced my line speed from 77.6mpbs to 66.9mbps.
Since I determine that there was a fault on a port and utlised a spare port , the router has been rock solid but I have no been able to get the speed back up to what it was.
I called Voda and was suggested to run , , choose new wifi channels, split the wifi channels.
One chap even gave me a phone number and reference to work with and I am still in the same boat - no one has a clue about me getting a reset.
The fundamental problem is the operators who I am calling do not understand that there is life beyond their routers and its not wifi/wired related.
Anyone have any words/phrases or departments I could call to get this action, actioned?
18-02-2020 05:02 PM
Hey @GiraffeIT, you can speak to our Social Media on Facebook or Twitter. They will be able to look into this with you.