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Packet loss

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I've been with Vodafone on the Superfast 2 package since last September and I was quite happy with the connection. In recent weeks, however, there has been packet loss which, although not a complete loss of connection, is enough to cause problems using the internet - webpages stop loading, videos stop playing, problems gaming. The packet loss occurs almost every evening, and there are also other times of less problematic packet loss. 


In the house there are 2 desktop comupters which are using a wired connection to the router. There is also a work laptop, 2 phones and an ipad connected through wifi. All devices are impacted by the packet loss but the devices on wireless are rarely used in the evenings when the most significant packet loss occurs. 


Because of problems with acheiving a stable connection, I started a Broadband Quality Monitor on the connection back in May. I've attached some graphs as an example of what is going on. I've tried resetting the router, including pinhole resets. I've spoken with customer service, who run tests and seem to think because the speed is fine, there isnt a problem.


Any thoughts about what is causing this? And more importantly, what can be done to achieve a stable connection?


Thank you in advance!


[url=]My Broadband Ping[/url]
[url=]My Broadband Ping[/url]
[url=]My Broadband Ping[/url]