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Unstable Connection - Full Fibre and Vodafone Ultra Hub

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Vodafone contract activated last week along with OpenReach implementing Full Fibre.

OMG, this has been the most painful experience. Since then...30+ outages per day, making it impossible to work, stream etc

Vodafone keep apologising but no resolution. I have tried for hours investigating and nothing seems to stabilize.

All I have is the Ultra Hub, 2 x Boosters and handful of devices attached to the wifi. OTN box showing green lights, so assuming no issue on the main fibre line. Switched to compatibility mode just in case there is a devices that is recycling the router. Also, went for the Pro package with the 4g backup router that doesn't seem to kick in at all.

I need some help from this community.

Is it a line issue or router issue? Any troubleshooting tips? All ideas welcome.



Spoke to various Vodafone first line staff, got to the point we’re they admitted it was a firmware issue in a Broadcom chip, “could be true”. They are shipping these hubs with this known fault. 
FYI initially had a really bizarre fault, units not being able to connect by DHCP and fixed ones losing connection, did a bit of checking and practically all IPs on my subnet had the MAC address of the hub? They downloaded new code and it returned to normal operation.  Dos  (arp -a)
Will be asking today for a different temp hub until the hub code/firmware is fixed. This will eliminate the fibre circuit. 
Checked the fault progress log on the Vodafone App and my fault has been closed as if it has been fixed, (part of the problem). 

Hub version 
S/W 22.1.0515-6261033



2: Seeker
2: Seeker


Got similar problem check to see if the hub is rebooting, look in the log and setup a never ending ping to yours hub’s ip.