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Wi-Fi cuts out on Google Meet

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

I have Super Wi-Fi plus with mobile data backup. The Wi-Fi typically works as expected with fast upload and download speeds. However, whenever I am on a Google Meet call, the connection drops. This only occurs on Google Meet and not other video platforms like Zoom or Teams.


Any ideas for how to overcome this issue?


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Try changing the DNS setting on the router to and

Thanks. How do I do that? And will it impact anything? I think when I’ve spoken to Vodafone support before (before I had isolated the connection drops to just Google Meet) they’ve made some changes to DNS

To action the above recommendation @jlamming, we do have a step by step DNS & DDNS Guide online. 

Although DNS is not directly related to your speed, it can influence the performance of an individual webpage or application on your device. The DNS address information provided by a fellow Community member is the Google Public DNS - Google promises a secure DNS connection, hardened against attacks, as well as speed and reliability benefits.

Hi @Jason I have updated my DNS settings but I am still having an issue with Google Meet. Do you still have any other suggestions?


Should I change my DNS settings back? If so, what to?

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

If you have the ability on your device to turn on/off video acceleration, try changing that setting.


My phone runs Google Meet like a charm, my tablet runs it incredibly scummily - including frequent drops!

Thanks @CrimsonLiar is that a setting in google meet or on the device? I'm running it on a laptop when I have issues

I've had google meet cut out on me a couple of times again. Hardware acceleration is turned off and the router settings have been updated. Is there anything else I can do?

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Google says all is OK (well they would)

DownDetector says a low-level rumble of discontent


The same issue has continued happening. Does anyone have any suggestions? It is making Google Meet unusable and I cannot use an alternative due to work