15-07-2015 05:32 PM
I am sorry if this is not the correct place to raise this query, but I could not find any other ways to contact Vodafone. I am keen to apply for a job in Vodafone and have some specific queries which had to be clarified with Vodafone UK. So I called up the Newbury office as advised in the website (on 01635 33251) on 14th July 2015, Tuesday between 9:30 and 12:00 in the morning. I spoke to the lady who picked up the phone and requested her to connect to HR recruitment. I was quite polite when I spoke to her. but she refused to connect to the section saying that only if I could tell the name of the staff I would be connected, if not she would not be able to connect. She said the only way to connect to HR career section is through e-mail. Although I told her that I already sent an email, had not received a reply so far and the website had given this number for career enquiries, she refused. I kept the phone saying Thank you and tried once again after an hour or so , but with the same result. Could you please advise how do I contact HR recruitment Newbury or Bracknell in UK?
Once again I apologize if this is not the correct forum to raise this query, but I have no other ways to contact
Many Thanks
15-07-2015 06:16 PM
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