15-08-2024 10:59 PM
On CityFibre 900 and speeds are near unusable. Switched to the mobile dongle and they were even worse.
What is going on?
07-10-2024 01:09 AM
Ah yeah it does that to me too.
Have you tried speaking to the cancellation department? If you have more than 8 weeks worth of tickets with the same issue you should be able argue to get out of the contract without the need for deadlock letters etc. I've got tickets spanning back to May, but my most recent ticket is 6 weeks old, so I'm waiting until it's 8 weeks then going for it.
07-10-2024 01:15 AM
I haven't, didn't even know there was a separate department. The person on the support chat was very unhelpful and didn't acknowledge or reply to most of things I said, I mentioned cancelling multiple times and how I've had these issues since mid August so I should be entitled to leave without exit fees, he just kept saying you would need to pay exit fees for leaving early and that my contract doesn't end until 2026.
But ill try to keep this ticket open and probably do the same as you.
07-10-2024 01:31 AM
Yeah the guys behind that chat feature have very little power, it's not worth discussing anything more than really basic questions with them. I believe they're third party contractors with limited access. There are dedicated guys in the UK though that deal with cancellations, I can't remember how I got through to them, perhaps the guys on the text chat can give you the number. Or the "If you're thinking of leaving us, press X" option on the normal phone number.
08-10-2024 04:17 AM
Indeed it had not been fixed, another night of record-breaking packet loss and unusable speed. It said "This ticket is about to close", so I posted an update saying nothing has changed.
They are definitely at a complete loss as to how to fix this issue, or they aren't reading anything like you say.
08-10-2024 11:34 AM
Just got a call they had Cityfibre reboot something at their end made no difference.
They are now sending me a new router to "Fix" it 🙄
I tried another VPN last night (Proton) when the speeds were down to 28mb d/load.And after starting the VPN the speeds shot up to 450mb d/load.
08-10-2024 12:27 PM
A new router, loool... why are they treating each of these cases as if they're isolated incidents!?
My sister's case is still "waiting for CityFibre to finish works" 😂
They tried calling me again at 9:30am today despite me telling them that time is unsuitable, or to email instead. Probably just another BS suggestion anyway.
Can't wait for this hell to end and to be with a real ISP...
08-10-2024 04:32 PM
Just found this forum thread. Been experiencing speed issues, so setup and logged hourly speed tests and found 90% drop in speeds between 7 pm and 10 pm. After a week, decided to create a fault report. Got called the next day around 1 2 am, went through all the usual checks and found no issue. Told them the issue starts to degrade after 5 pm, worse at 9 pm and they agreed to call back at 9 pm. From there line speed checks they noticed a drop, but within guaranteed minimum. Explained a line speed check means nothing, but the speed check to internet was still 90% less. Was not happy, so they agreed to call back the next day
Got a call today, and via a manager, they admitted "There is a network issue affecting your Vodafone Home Broadband service". They updated ticket which is still open and keep it updated. Must admit, the adviser I had was quite persistent in trying to find the issue.
Funny thing though, they still asked if I wanted to upgrade my Broadband🤣
08-10-2024 04:35 PM
Nice of a manager to finally admit it - whatever they're admitting is still an unknown, we only see the symptoms.
08-10-2024 05:52 PM
Appreciate you coming and sharing with us! Do let us know how it goes with support. I'm wondering if *one* of us will manage to get a decent explanation out of them.
They've "admitted" issues to me (and my family) a few times, always saying it's due to be resolved in a week, month, whatever, and it never is. Looking back my records, it's been going since April! There was another thread just like this one, and it was eventually deleted.