FTTP/Cityfibre. Traffic shaping suspected. Poor download speeds during evenings. MUCH better on VPN
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01-11-2022 09:33 PM
Dear Vodafone,
It is time you admit that you are applying traffic shaping on your internet connection during the evenings.
I have always wondered why some traffic goes through better than other in the evenings.
I have done extensive testing in the past few days and I have come across to the below findings:
Internet connection speeds drop down to miserable 2-3 megabits download during the evenings / peak time. Upload though goes well and I'd say it is intact.
So I have done some testing. I have connected to different VPN providers to the servers nearby in the UK as well as abroad as far as Iceland and Lithuania.
And guess what - Over the VPN I get 200+ mbps results, immediately as I drop out from VPN and do the test on a clean line I again get those miserable few megabits.
Now if you are technical enough you must understand the irony here.
Going through VPN channel always should give you lower speeds as extra hops and conditions involved in the traffic/equipment. However when on VPN, speed test results are always better. Always, not sometimes, but always. And considerably much better than having connection without being wrapped up in VPN.
This indicates only one thing - QOS/Traffic shaping is in place with Vodafone during peak times.
Tell me, Vodafone, please, why when I am paying for 900mbps I am getting the service of a few megabits during peak times? And please, keep that rubbish to yourself when you start stating - oh it is probably your router, your Wi-Fi and so on. No it is not! I know it is not. I am getting exactly the same results on wired connection using Vodafone or any other router. To be precise your router is a piece of junk that is good for grandmas who watch BBC iPlayer and send three WhatsApp messages a day. I am and advanced user, a technician in fact, with 20+ years of IT support under my belt.
It is not my router to blame, not my corporate grade wireless access point, not even cheap Vodafone router to blame, it is the policies that Vodafone has set on the back end to shape the traffic during busiest periods.
And it is not fair. I am paying for 900mbps service, yet during evenings I get 300 times slower speeds than I am paying for. Even daytime I rarely reach anything more than 500mbps, it doesn't really bother me that much as I consider speeds above 100mbps acceptable and I simply have no patience to call your India-based call centres and speak to so called "experts" who read from the script, have little to no actual knowledge, and won't deviate from script that they read from the knowledge-base and give a pre-defined answers from templates.
Explain this please, how is this fair, and how is this a good value for money that I am paying? I am actually considering leaving Vodafone, at least when I had broadband over copper line I was getting consistent speeds 24/7. Heck, even with 3 mobile 4G connection I had better speeds than with you guys!
I see no reason why I should be utilising VPN in order to increase my internet browsing experience. It is an extra expense as well as extra burden that I have to go through in order to reach acceptable connection speeds.
Three days ago, in the evening I was trying to download 5 gigabyte Windows 10 ISO file from Microsoft, I was getting estimated time of download of 7 hours over 900mbps FTTP line. Makes sense? - Thought so, it does not make sense to me either.
Feel free to reach out to me for troubleshooting if you are brave enough to deal with me, I promise you, I won't go easy on you, but I promise to be reasonable and respectful. However I won't take your nonsense and won't accept that it is something to do with my equipment, because I know it is not the equipment.. It is not, and I know, period!
I have done plenty of testing internally, I have tested my independent wireless AP throughput over local network and I have amazing results as long as Vodafone is not in the picture. Anything routed through Vodafone internet link is rubbish unless I wrap that device that is reaching out to the internet to VPN.
I really don't enjoy having to jump through the hoops just to have something that should be provided to me already because it is a contractual obligation. I expect the service to be delivered as per contract, not some lame excuses from cheap labour agent somewhere in India who has no idea what he is talking about.
So to sum this up:
From 18:00 onwards to around 22-24h connection speeds drop dramatically to miserable few megabits, sometimes if lucky 30-40mbps, never goes above 100.
No difference if Vodafone or other independent router / access point used, connection still rubbish.
When on VPN, then connection is much better - going to 200-300mbps speeds.
Outside those hours connection speeds are much better, good enough not to complain about.
I work from home supporting different timezones and working during evenings is a challenge due to this issue. I certainly have an impact on my work performance due to this.
My equipment/plan:
Cityfibre FTTP 900mbps.
Draytek Vigor 2925 router
Ubiquiti Unifi UAP-nanoHD.
Location: Aberdeen
To add a cherry on top of this cake: it is not only me that is having this issue here in Aberdeen. There are 3 more of us (and I can provide their details on request) who are subscribed to Cityfibre/Vodafone FTTP service and we all are having exactly the same issue during evenings. We all live in different areas of the city, so the problem is city-wide, not only to specific area within the city.
Please get this sorted rather than ignore or give silly answers claiming it is our equipment. It is not. I know it, and you know it too. Time to call things as they are.
Best regards,
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27-10-2023 10:46 PM
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27-10-2023 10:31 PM - edited 27-10-2023 10:33 PM
I have no idea what that means but i googled it and have results on cmd prompt?
C:\Users\XXXXXX>tracert bbc.com
Tracing route to bbc.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms vodafone.ultrahub [XXX XXX XXX]
2 7 ms 8 ms 7 ms
3 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms
4 15 ms 14 ms 14 ms
5 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms
Trace complete.
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28-10-2023 01:51 PM
Is that a good thing...Why not Edinburgh as that's closer to me? Thanks again
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28-10-2023 02:10 PM - edited 28-10-2023 02:12 PM
@P1x3l8 wrote:Is that a good thing...Why not Edinburgh as that's closer to me? Thanks again
It's Vodafone's implementation of what they're calling "Load Balancing". They'll shift your gateway if it gets busy, but the algorythm they're using has some serious problems.
Ironically, a couple of times I've ended up on the Edinburgh for months so you're not the only one affected for sure.
The speed issues come from the fact that your connection runs over the Vodafone network (old Cable & Wireless infrastructure) all the way from you to Manchester before it even meets the internet spine. Vodafone don't realise how much of a problem it is to send a supposedly high-speed connection over such old, and frankly, unsuitabe infrastructutre. Especially when they're doing it with so many customers.
There's not a lot we, or Vodafone CS can do about it. We can either spot it within the 14day cool-off period and cancel, or live with it in the hope things will change. To be honest I've only stuck with it because of the low price.
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28-10-2023 02:44 PM - edited 28-10-2023 02:46 PM
Well I'm paying £58 pcm rising after 24 mths for FTTP but your third paragraph is alarmimg to be honest as even if I have FTTP it sounds like I have junk from Manchester to the cabinet - Is VM better for that although FTTC?
It was strange as the BQM looked reasonably OK last night for the first time since installation but the speeds have not improved - Also noticed my ping on COD last night was often double from recently - Does this mean I have an unfixable issue? My VM cut off date is mid November so wondering what to do now!!! I really wasn't expecting this ;_(
From last night
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28-10-2023 02:55 PM
@P1x3l8 Those figures make me wonder if the router is at fault. Have you tried a factory reset yet?
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28-10-2023 03:01 PM
Nope - they just got me to do the 10 minute unplug?
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28-10-2023 03:07 PM
It's bad routing. Customer in Scotland, gateway in Manchester.
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28-10-2023 02:17 PM
Too late to edit but even though its the Leeds gateway it's physical position is actually Manchester, that's why the Ookla speedtest server defaults to Manchester.