17-11-2022 11:22 AM
Do we need a pinned post on conducting speed and latency tests? Just a thought! Apologies if there already is one and I missed it.
I have duplicated this post in the Internet Speed section, where it is also relevant.
Over the year since I joined Vodafone/CityFibre, I have seen a large number of posts showing dissatisfaction with downstream and upstream speeds and with high latency, and having seen responses to those posts. it is very clear that guidance on how to conduct tests would be very useful. Often, OPs complain about speeds/latency and then we discover that the issue is the conditions under which they have conducted the tests. A lot of time is wasted waiting in call centre queues or in reporting and responding here.
For example, if a speed test is conducted using a WiFi connection, many do not realise that they are rarely going to get the advertised speeds even on a multi-thread test. Tests of one's basic BB connection should always be done with the device connected directly to your router by Ethernet using a physical network or at least a patch lead (CAT5e or better.)
I am not necessarily offering to write the guidance for a pinned post, because I'm sure that a trained techie would do a much better job.
What's our thoughts on this?
18-12-2022 10:33 PM
This is one of the posts where you think, That's nice of the user to try and help the social media team. but unfortunately, Vodafone does not care at all. The only thing they care about is the billing department
19-12-2022 05:25 AM
I'm wondering what would happen if I made the effort to write a comprehensive guidance. Would they bother pinning it anyway. Perhaps I should show my faith in human nature and have a go.
19-12-2022 09:21 AM
Vodafone clearly runs a delay tactic. so a lot of users just give up and accept it
so a guide to point out Vodafone is at fault quicker is not going to work
If you made a very good guide to give Vodafone customers the run around more. That would probably get more of a chance of getting pinned
19-12-2022 10:27 AM
Clearly the guide needs a flow-chart 😀