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FTTP 500Mb connection issues

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hello folks. I got a new 500Mb fibre connection installed on the 28th of December. When it works the up and down speeds are exactly what I would expect. However the connection can be a little unreliable, working fine for a while then seemingly having constant short disconnections (1-10 seconds).

The problems I'm experiencing are via wired and wireless connections, although problems using the wired connection seem more noticeable as you get use to websites responding immediately 24/7. We all get used to wi-fi having lag now and then.

Openreach installed their little white optical modem, from there I used the supplied ethernet cable to go into the newly supplied VP THG3000 router (which is still stuck on older 19.4.0551-3261103 firmware even after dozens of GUI update attempts, forced restarts/resets/power cycles/full disconnects etc). From there I've got three ports connected to various local devices and the fourth port runs to my office where I've got a hub connected to 8 devices. There's the usually mix of tablets and phones and computers connected via Wi-Fi. All my testing is being done on a hard wired computer in the office.

So I've been running some Broadband Quality Monitoring on the think broadband website but it's been inconclusive until today. Usually the results show the service looking normal with solid green and the very occasional yellow spike, then it simply turns to solid red and stays there until I create a new monitoring session and try again. However today I saw that it had finally recorded something more in line with what we have been experiencing showing cycles of outages, so at least I know I'm not going mad. I've attached the screengrab below. We weren't doing anything much on the internet between 8 and 10 this morning, I wasn't even using it. 

So to confirm, I've waited a few weeks in case the connection needed time to work itself out. The speeds are fine. I'm not doing anything overly elaborate with my wired setup. The VP router is acting as DHCP just like my old setup. But there seem to be a lot of short pauses in service throughout the day with no obvious explanation.

FYI I don't seem to have the option to enable or disable IPv6, it only show a + button option to create a pinhole.

I thought I'd post here in case anyone has any more advice before I contact VP and try explaining a problem that isn't consistent and hard to prove exists. Ha.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

You'll find IPv6 in the (Expert) LAN settings. Disable the main one and the two ULA settings and see how you get on. 

View solution in original position


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

You'll find IPv6 in the (Expert) LAN settings. Disable the main one and the two ULA settings and see how you get on. 

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Ah I found the IPv6 settings. Thanks. In Expert mode go to Settings - Local Network.

Let's see how this goes.

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

So far so good!!


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

As a heads up to our OP nad anyone else who follows:  A monitoring issue with the TB Broadband Monitor is that if your IP address is subject to change, then you need to have it monitoring via a DDNS (Dynamic Doman Name System) service rather then by entering an IP address.
Regards the images so far posted - TBBM does provide images you can share that don't include your IP address!  And, it does seem you have a low-level saw-tooth effect happening on the latency with just over an hour period - That is odd, and as you don't appear to be straining the connection would make me think that it's external.  *Note this is pure speculation, but it's definitely odd!

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

We've discussed the sawtooth pattern on the tbb forums. Sometimes it just happens for no reason, but thanks for the heads-up.