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Landline VOIP over FTTC teething problems

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

My elderly parents have recently started a Fibre 2 broadband and landline contract with Vodafone. Their broadband is supplied via FTTC and the internet cable for the router emerges from a NTE5C Master Socket and connects to their Vox 3.0 router. Just to get them up and running I had plugged in one BT Decor 2200 corded phone into the VOIP adapter sent out by Vodafone and plugged the other end of that into the Tel1 socket on the back of the router. They can hear a normal dial tone on the phone and can make outgoing phone calls with no problem. However, nobody can call them on the landline number. Anyone attempting to ring them gets a 3 beep, call connection failure tone and then silence. Their landline phone never rings.

The broadband connection is perfect. Outgoing calls just fine. Not receiving landline calls at all is a real problem as they live in a mobile phone reception weak spot.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Any pointers or useful information would be greatly appreciated. I'm in touch with Vodafone tech support but it's interminably slow to get anything useful.


3: Seeker
3: Seeker

I have now got a resolution to this problem. The landline number that Vodafone initially supplied with my Broadband and Landline package apparently used to be used by TalkTalk and for some undisclosed (to me anyway) reason it was never going to be able to be usable by me as a working VOIP landline. Who knows why. Anyway, Vodafone have now done what I suggested to them over 3 weeks ago and supplied a new number for me to use. A couple of days for them to set it up and now my landline works as it should. Incoming and outgoing calls both working.

The support system for diagnosing problems with landlines is very slow, repetitive and unbelievably frustrating for customers. If this sort of thing happens to you, be prepared for a lengthy multi-week ordeal. If you are not wedded to the landline number you're having problems with I would just insist on being supplied with a new number straightaway.

Vodafone offered a month's credit of fees which I consider the very least they could do, given that I have spent over 14 and a half hours in total using their support systems both on the phone and the online chat.

Thank you to those people who have engaged with this thread over the past month.

View solution in original position


3: Seeker
3: Seeker

This being a FTTC installation seems to be important I'd have thought. Shouldn't their phone(s) be still somehow connected to the Openreach network? Currently, as per Vodafone's instructions, their landline cabled phone is connected only to the Vox 3.0 router's Tel1 socket.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Digital Voice works over the Internet, and is converted back to analogue by the ATA inside the router. 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Certainly does sound familiar. 

At the back of the router there's a recessed "Reset" button. With the router powered up hold that reset button in for a good 10 seconds, then let the router reboot and settle (allow about 15 minutes).

Let us know how that goes 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@kj-mil71 wrote:
Does this sound familiar to anyone? Any pointers or useful information would be greatly appreciated. I'm in touch with Vodafone tech support but it's interminably slow to get anything useful.

Yes, it does sound all too familiar.

If the factory reset, as suggested by @Ripshod doesn't cure it, it means your parents have had a failed port ,(that's the name for taking a phone number from the PTSN to VoIP)

It should be easy for Vodafone to correct, it just needs Vodafone to realise the problem and get it to the right team.

Hopefully the agents on live chat should be able to get it corrected.

It's good to hear they got the VoIP adapter, so many people don't seem to get one. Was it supplied in the router box, or sent separately?

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Thanks for the replies @Ripshod and @Jayach . Yes, the VOIP adapter was supplied in the same package along with the router.

I have now performed the factory reset and waited until everything came back online. However, the situation is exactly the same as before. I'll now explore the suggestion of a failed port of the number from the Public Switched Telephone Network to Vodafone's VOIP. I'll post back with the results of that so others who find themselves in this situation might glean something useful.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@kj-mil71  I have FTTC and the 5C wall socket. The left port goes to the router and the right to the telephone.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Cynric wrote:

@kj-mil71  I have FTTC and the 5C wall socket. The left port goes to the router and the right to the telephone.

Not once you are on digital voice it won't. You are presumably still on the PSTN.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Jayach Ah ok, I was unaware of a FTTC solution with digital telephony to the property being a thing. It could be interesting to see if the analogue line is still working.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Since the 5th September all new broadband installations have used digital voice, even people renewing their contracts are being put on it.

The only possible exceptions are on LLU, where where the ISP has it's own equipment in the exchange supplying analogue phone lines, so not using the PSTN.