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Landline phone with own router on FTTP

4: Newbie

Just got FTTP and everything is working fine off the VF router. Phone lines are plugged into the VF router, VF router's WiFi is switched off. 3rd party Mesh has been switched to Bridge mode and plugged into the VF's ethernet port.

However I am shocked at how feature poor the VF router is. e.g. There are no Parental controls at all. I know I can get rid of the VF router and plug my own Mesh router into the Openreach ONT, but what about the Landline. 

Are there any 3rd party routers in the market that have a telephone socket at the back to allow the home phone to be plugged in? 

721 REPLIES 721


I just want to pick up on a few of your points:

@Toocomplicated wrote:

g7omn  My understanding of the Grandstream system is that when it is factory reset, it will go off and connect to Grandstream's provisioning servers when it boots up again.  For mass deployments like TalkTalk, they keep a copy of the MAC addresses so they can then redirect to the TalkTalk (in your case) server, which then will provision with the talktalk XML files.

So if my understanding is correct - talktalk would need to release the ATA's MAC address, so it doesn't pick up talk talk provisioning and custom config?


If you change the provisioning server to a local tftp server that should override this behaviour.  That, or add an DHCP option 66 or 43 on your DHCP server, which has the address of your preferred local provisioning server.

I just turned off TR069 and removed the ACS URI

As mentioned before the important things are

1.  It's definitely going out to the internet via your Vodafone connection (only an issue on multi-wan connections)

Yep, only WAN operational.

2.  The SIP server on your ATA is running on port 5065.


3.  There is a static outbound NAT setup on your firewall, so it does not rewrite port 5065 to something else when it exits the router onto the internet.

This is an interesting one - it looks from the nat table like it's outgoing on 5060:

Private IP :Port #Pseudo Port Peer IP :Port Interface 5065 5065 5060 WAN2


4. Your ATA supports DNS SRV Requests


5.  You use Vodafone's DNS Servers on the ATA (or on your router) so it can lookup the Proxy server, which isn't available from other DNS providers.  (DNS IPs: and

Actually using & - I picked these up from the router and statically applied the config in the ATA, as i use Pi-Hole as local DNS.


What router are you running?  Does it have a packet capture ability?  Can you see the firewall states and the NAT Table on it somewhere?

Draytek 2862, Yes, it has NAT table (see extract above). there's a fair bit of diagnostics on it, but not sure it goes as far as packet capture. There's a fair bit of diagnostics in there. What do you have in mind?


NAT looks ok - it's going out on port 5065 from the draytek wan port to the vodafone sip server, which runs on 5060.  Without a decent log file it's going to be difficult to debug.  Don't think there's a packet capture facility on the draytek.  (Is it a base 2862 or one of the ones with wifi and / or voip builtin? 2862ac / 2862Vac)

So you'd probably have to set up port mirroring on the draytek to mirror the WAN port and the LAN port the grandstream is connected to off to a spare port where you'll plug in your PC, running wireshark.  Then you can do a capture of the traffic when the grandstream tries to register.


@Toocomplicated wrote:

NAT looks ok - it's going out on port 5065 from the draytek wan port to the vodafone sip server, which runs on 5060.  Without a decent log file it's going to be difficult to debug.  Don't think there's a packet capture facility on the draytek.  (Is it a base 2862 or one of the ones with wifi and / or voip builtin? 2862ac / 2862Vac)

So you'd probably have to set up port mirroring on the draytek to mirror the WAN port and the LAN port the grandstream is connected to off to a spare port where you'll plug in your PC, running wireshark.  Then you can do a capture of the traffic when the grandstream tries to register.


It's a base 2862 - i run separate AP's, and didn't need VOIP until now 😂
I'd forgotten the port mirroring. If i get an hour over the weekend, i'll hook it up for giggles.
It will also be worth it to look at what goes to and from the GXP1620, to see if i can get that to register too.



It also might be worth doing some dns lookups from a machine on the same network segment that the Grandstream is on.

From a command prompt in Windows ...

nslookup -q=srv _sip._udp.vodafoneproxyaddress vodafonednsip

subsituting the proxy address vodafone gave you and a vodafone dns server

  So, for example, and vodafone dns server would become

nslookup -q=srv


You should get something back like:

Server: UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer: SRV service location:
priority = 1
weight = 100
port = 5060
svr hostname = SRV service location:
priority = 0
weight = 100
port = 5060
svr hostname =


Which gives you the two SIP servers that it will be contacting.  Just thought it might be prudent to check this is working before going any further, especially if a pi-hole is in the mix.


I'd manually configured vodafones dns in the ht801 anyway, so it resolves the two  servers correctly outside of Pihole.

I spent a bit of time looking at the headers in wireshark yesterday while trying to configure up a GXP1620. I couldn't get it to connect, just continuous unacknowledged registration requests from the GXP1620.

I initially expected this to relate to the SIP user agent setting, as I couldn't configure it solely to Vox 3.0, 

Today, I popped the THG3000 back on with the ht801 still connected on the network. (To investigate a different issue).

I could see the THG3000 had registered with the SIP as its phone LED went white.

When I returned to my draytek, the ht801 failed to register, I restarted the ont, ht801 and router to no avail.

I saw exactly the same lack of response as I had with the GXP1620 yesterday, even though the settings had worked previously.

It was as if the sip servers wouldn't release the THG3000 router.

I had been spoofing the THG3000's MAC on the draytek. As soon as I released the spoof, and restarted the router, the ht801 registered straight away.


It would be useful to know if the vodafone SIP servers will accept more than one client registration on the same ID. I suspect from today's activities that only one registration per ID is supported as a secondary registration is ignored?

@g7omn wrote:

It would be useful to know if the vodafone SIP servers will accept more than one client registration on the same ID. I suspect from today's activities that only one registration per ID is supported as a secondary registration is ignored?

It can only accept one registration since the source and destination ports are fixed.

Hi, I've come across this thread as I'm wanting to move away from the Vodafone router but it looks like there isn't an out of the box solution of getting my VoIP landline working? 

It's only ever the parents that ring the home phone but their convenience is the reason I asked for voip service


Not applicable

Decided to go for a Grandstream GXP1625, rather than an ATA adapter, with all of the below settings but still can't get it to register. Any suggestions?

General Settings.jpgScreenshot 2023-04-06 172804.pngScreenshot 2023-04-06 172946.pngScreenshot 2023-04-06 173008.pngGeneral 2.jpgScreenshot 2023-04-06 173130.png

Hi @Anonymous, from a quick look at your settings I can see that your Enable 100rel is set to no instead of yes. I also cannot see the 'Remove OBP from route header', which needs to be set to yes.
Did you set up the necessary route forward on your router? 
I use a static IP, no stun server and I had to enable SIP ALG on my router (without the "use NAT IP" option).

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I don't know if you've removed it for the screenshot but I don't see anything entered for your Authenticate Password. First dns should be

Seems to me there are a few other options missing that are essential to getting this working correctly - options that are only available on the ATAs. Maybe a firmware update would give you the missing options (?).