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'dugital voice' + own router = no landline

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

So Vodafone switched us to VoIP on Monday. On Monday, I got the adaptor and read the instructions. 'Plug the adaptor into the green socket on the back of the Vodafone router'. Fine, but I use my own mesh router with a BT modem, neither of which has a green socket.

Vodafone support have told me that unless I use the Vodafone router, my landline now won't function.

Ok, I should have realised this before the changeover day, but there was nothing in all the emails we received that stated you must use the Vodafone router.

We can't use the Vodafone router as we're in a pretty big home that needs the mesh router, so now we have lost our landline, altogether.

We can manage without the landline, but I'm still hacked off. Just a warning for others.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

There is a way of using Vodafone's phone service with your own router.

It will require you getting a VoIP ATA (analogue telephone adapter) from Grandstream. (hopefully it may be possible to use other makes in the future)

You will then need to follow the method outlined in the following thread. It won't be a simple case of just plugging it in, but you will find help from others that have done it in that thread. Ignore the first few pages as they were written before anyone got it to work.

My VF system has been up an running well for several months, but a few weeks ago friends kept reporting to us:-
"Our phone was always responding with a busy tone. (and we never had any incoming calls)".
When I ring my landline from my mobile at home I find the landline does not ring.

If this is the effect of all the Fibre road works in our neibourhood these past 3 months, I see no point in having phone line any longer.

Is there a fix? 


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

If the phone light on the vf router is lit, and you have the phone connected to a green port via the adapter vodafone should provide then contact vodafone and tell them to send you the adapter.

IIf the phone light us not lit then you have to contact vodafone and tell them. 

You didn't say anything about outgoing calls, are they working? If you can call out then it's likely paragraph 1 will be your fix. 

more....  I discovered the Vodafone online self test pages.  First result was "Faulty". After  following reboot proceedure 2 times I ot a "Good" responc. I think it may be fixed now !Vodafone Test Result  2023-12-08 115849.jpg  

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I hardly pay a visit to that page - until you just mentioned it. In my case it's still saying there's a fault, just as it's shown a fault for about 18 months.