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Sure Signal & Barns Green Mast

2: Seeker
2: Seeker


Hopefully you can help, over the years I have purchased 4 sure signal devices. My fourth one is dying it seems I have reported it twice in the last few days. The support team have been helpful but it works for a little while and stops again. We have in Barns Green, West Sussex a 4G Mast sitting line of sight from me about 800m it been there for two years but as far as I can tell from the land owner Sumners Ponds and pretty much everyone in Barns Green its not switch ON!

Mobile Mast 20920 - barns green

Could you give me an update on what's happening, I would really like to get rid of the Sure Signal.





Thank you for your help, nice to have a straight answer. It’s unreal that no one has worked on the mast since February 2019. With the number of older people around here in Barns Green having the mast operational would have really helped in this pandemic, communication around here is really so poor.

How do we move this forward I am happy to talk to The Parish Council to try and apply pressure, just no idea who to talk to, to make things happen? At this time the service could SAVE LIVES.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@scgconsultants We hope to bring this live in the next 3-4 months but there have been a number of challenges that our build team have faced with this location. While we wouldn't be able to give a more definite timescale, you'll be able to monitor any updates yourself at around that time through our network status checker.



Thanks for the update, lets hope it's up and running soon. (By July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2020)

Network checker doesn't help.


Vodafone, is there an update on the mast status please?

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@jencass Have you checked for any changes in coverage, using the coverage checker my colleague @Tash previously provided? 

More than a year on, do you have any updates Vodafone on what is happening with your mast in Barns Green West Sussex?  The Network Status checker says 'good outdoors only' but to be honest that really isn't very accurate.  'Good' is stretching it a bit.


There was a planning application in February last year with correspondence from Maxema on behalf of Vodafone and Cornerstone in relation to DC/21/0481 | Replacement of 3no.antennas, installation of 2no. microwave dishes, installation of 2no. equipment cabinets, and minor ancillary works. | Telecommunications Mast Slaughterford Farm Chapel Road Barns Green West Sussex RH13 0PR


The location address is listed as  VF 95409 – SLAUGHTERFORD FARM, CHAPEL ROAD, BARNS GREEN,
HORSHAM, WEST SUSSEX, RH13 0PR – NGR: 512380, 126943


Can we expect this mast to be switched on anytime soon??

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @jencass, the masts in the area show a good outdoor 2G signal, with limited to good outdoors only on the 3G and the 4G service. We've checked about the mast in your message, we can't see any improvements planned in the short term, nor do we have any update about the mast. We know that this is frustrating, we will update our Network Status Checker here when we do have any confirmed worked. 

Yes, that has been the response continuously from Vodafone.  I'm increasingly convinced that Vodafone don't actually know!

Please save the platitudes, you really don't otherwise Vodafone would be doing something about it.  So much for improving services to rural communities. It really does beg the question of why in earth commit to the cost of installing the thing if you aren't going to bother to complete commissioning?