11-04-2015 09:58 AM
17-04-2015 11:36 PM
Why does everyone see wifi calling as a revolutionary feature?
It's been avaliable for donkeys years under the name of UMA I used it on Orange for a while with one of these phones.
Paul - Blogger at @hooker1uk
Current devices: Nokia e7-00, Smart ultra 7 - archos xenon 96
Disclosure! I review devices, products and services in partnership with Vodafone UK on imwellconfused uk. Anything I post here is not affiliated or endorsed by Vodafone UK.
18-04-2015 06:48 AM - edited 18-04-2015 09:22 AM
Hi, I think its the fact that the network is now rolling it out and supporting it is what's interesting people, people living in low signal areas will be able to use home WiFi etc to make the calls.